[10:32:06] * +Taka| goes on a killing spree in the irc [10:32:08] <!Shay> got them for christmas like two years ago [10:32:08] <+Rya> i eat candy that's years old at times [10:32:10] * !Shay dies [10:32:13] * +Taka| shoots everyone [10:32:18] * +Rya dies [10:32:19] * wolvar shot by taka [10:32:22] * wolvar dead [10:32:44] * BronzeL avoids being shot by going faster then light*hey watch what your doing [10:32:58] * wolvar haunts the irc while looking at Bronze godmodding the whole stuff [10:32:58] <!Shay> GOD MODE ACTIVATE [10:32:59] <!Shay> rofl [10:33:01] <BronzeL> ...darn...you hit everyone BUT me...your pretty good [10:33:02] <+Rya> LOL [10:33:10] <BronzeL> rp character [10:33:17] <!Shay> GOD MODE ACTIVATE [10:33:18] <!Shay> rofl [10:33:21] * +Rya comes back as she's a ZOMBIE FROM HEAVEN [10:33:22] <+Rya> XD [10:33:27] * Froggy (~I.NEED@1413884c.11813a15.bethere.co.uk) has joined #watermeat [10:33:27] <wolvar> holy crap your rp character is a freakin godmodder D= [10:33:30] <BronzeL> ...thats the smallest of his...faults [10:33:37] <+Rya> >_> [10:33:37] <wolvar> you don't actually do that in roleplays, riiight? [10:33:39] <wolvar> right? [10:33:41] <!Shay> that's not right [10:33:42] <wolvar> please tell me you don't [10:33:45] <BronzeL> normally no [10:33:46] <wolvar> because i'll die if you do [10:33:50] <wolvar> normally? [10:33:52] <BronzeL> but I was just joking around right there [10:33:57] <!Shay> Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly! [10:33:59] <wolvar> you shouldnever ever do that D= [10:34:00] <!Shay> hey tak [10:34:02] <wolvar> that's a rpkiller D= [10:34:04] <wolvar> bigtime D= [10:34:05] <!Shay> hey listen [10:34:08] <!Shay> hey tak [10:34:09] <BronzeL> in an offical rp then I won't, but if I am just joking around, then I would [10:34:20] <+Taka|> ... [10:34:27] <BronzeL> you have to remember he started out as a super hero when I was 7 [10:34:28] * Froggy is now known as Guest9158393 [10:34:38] * +Taka| shoots bronze in the foot [10:34:39] <+Taka|> biggrin [10:34:39] <BronzeL> its hard for him not to be overly powerful [10:34:43] * Guest9158393 is now known as Froggy [10:34:44] * Guardian sets mode: +v Froggy [10:34:55] <wolvar> oh god D= *reminds self not to ever start roleplay with bronze* [10:34:59] <BronzeL> *metal bones stop the bullet*...and thats another, to withstand his power metal bones is needed [10:35:11] <BronzeL> I have another rp character you know [10:35:15] <+Rya> ...metal bones can melt [10:35:16] <!Shay> that means he's weak to magnetizim [10:35:36] <+Taka|> bronze, i shot you with plasma [10:35:47] <wolvar> no matter, i don't want to risc godmodding or powerplay in any roleplay. Thos are instant killers for me, no matter who or what [10:35:50] <+Rya> HAAA [10:35:50] <BronzeL> ...thought it was a bullet [10:35:56] <wolvar> plasma bullet [10:35:56] * !Shay installs a giant Electromagnet in the room [10:36:11] * +Froggy sticks Bronze in an MRI machine [10:36:27] <+Taka|> psh, metal bullets are so....lame. i use plasma or pure energy as slugs biggrin [10:36:29] * +Rya puts bronze in the microwave? [10:36:31] <+Rya> jk [10:36:32] <+Rya> XD [10:36:32] <BronzeL> *gets shot and hops around on one foot screaming bloody hell*thats it*fires a ki blast at the one that shot me* [10:36:52] * +Taka| deflects it with a Force Barrier [10:37:05] * !Shay flips on the electromagnet, sucking everything with even a trace amount of metal into it [10:37:12] <+Rya> O_O [10:37:15] <BronzeL> *wonders if the metal in his bones are a special blend that has very unique atributes* [10:37:28] * +Froggy hopes no one has a pacemaker [10:37:43] * wolvar dies a second dime because pacemaker [10:37:44] * +Taka| is glad to have a non-ferrous plate in his head [10:37:45] <+Taka|> biggrin [10:37:54] <wolvar> dime -time potato, potahto [10:37:56] * +Rya sends bronze to the hottest star in the universe :3 [10:37:58] * !Shay watches as BronzeL flies through the room at an insane speed, and smacks headfirst into the electromagnet, sticking to it forever [10:38:00] <+Kamika> I don't remember Kilana being a site moderator [10:38:07] <+Rya> yes, kili is [10:38:08] <+Froggy> She's been one for quite some time now [10:38:23] <+Kamika> I must be living under a rock then o.o [10:38:25] <BronzeL> *uses water skills to survive till he can activate an armor and begins a LONG trip home*damn punks, all ganging up on me at once [10:38:27] <+Taka|> she gets me n***s of mods for me biggrin [10:38:47] <+Rya> bronze, be glad i am not in rp mode... [10:38:52] * wolvar casts spell to get bronze in his undies [10:38:53] <+Rya> :/ [10:39:09] <+Froggy> water skills? [10:39:11] <wolvar> that way he'll be without his armor and can be cast into thesun [10:39:12] <BronzeL> *blocks with a very unique shield* [10:39:17] <wolvar> goodbye bronze [10:39:19] <BronzeL> Bronze L has two powers besides his armor [10:39:22] * +Taka| sticks bronze in a Magnetic particle accelerator and fires him into space [10:39:31] <BronzeL> Water, and non-organic powers [10:39:32] <wolvar> well, it was a unique spell that can bypass your unique shield [10:39:41] <+Froggy> and, what are they precisely? [10:39:48] <BronzeL> basically both water and anything without carbon can be created/controled by bronzel [10:39:57] <+Froggy> okay [10:40:00] <!Shay> GOD MODE ACTIVATE [10:40:01] <!Shay> rofl [10:40:04] <+Rya> lolshay [10:40:04] <+Froggy> and how does this help you in a star? [10:40:07] <BronzeL> a "sibling" character of Bronze L made by someone else uses organic powers [10:40:09] <wolvar> shay, you're not doing it right [10:40:09] <+Taka|> xD [10:40:13] <wolvar> DOUBLE GOD MODE ACTIVATE [10:40:19] <BronzeL> ...name one thing that has absolutely no carbon in it [10:40:27] <+Taka|> JESUS MODE ACTIVATE [10:40:31] <wolvar> xD [10:40:31] <+Rya> :O [10:40:38] <wolvar> Taka wins [10:40:41] <+Rya> lol [10:40:43] <+Taka|> ALWAYS DO [10:40:44] <+Rya> i was just gonna say that [10:40:44] <+Rya> XD [10:40:45] <+Froggy> the majority of the air [10:40:45] <BronzeL> I started it YEARS before I knew what rping was [10:40:53] <+Taka|> it's a jesus thing, you wouldnt understand [10:41:01] <BronzeL> its hard to keep it within boundries yet remaining true to the original [10:41:15] <+Froggy> however, i am still intrigued as to how manipulating water can help you survive a star [10:41:16] <wolvar> Taka, well, i can make you fail [10:41:25] <wolvar> oh, i can ^^ and you'll go down [10:41:29] <wolvar> i'll make everybody go down [10:41:29] * +Rya agrees with froggy [10:41:35] <wolvar> CHUCK NORRIS MODE ACTIVATE [10:41:40] <+Rya> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [10:41:43] <BronzeL> *sighs*ever heard of absolute zero...his water skills can break down into "hot" water and "cold"water [10:41:44] <wolvar> AHA [10:41:44] <!Shay> LOOOOOOOOOL [10:41:52] <+Taka|> now...if you'll excuse me, no one is home and i'm going to use this chance to run around naked and dance to techno [10:41:59] <wolvar> ... [10:42:00] <+Rya> O_O [10:42:00] <wolvar> mental imagery [10:42:04] <+Rya> GOD the mental image D: [10:42:05] <!Shay> sweet [10:42:05] * wolvar enjoys mental imagery [10:42:09] <!Shay> taka, before you go [10:42:15] <!Shay> guess what game I'm playing right now [10:42:16] <!Shay> :3 [10:42:25] <!Shay> I'll give you a hint [10:42:28] <+Taka|> you lost it? [10:42:29] <!Shay> HEY! LISTEN! [10:42:34] <+Taka|> OOT [10:42:43] <BronzeL> well I am done getting teased for something I am quiet proud of, later [10:42:46] * BronzeL (webchat@1872b73.246a3fd8.tn.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Page closed) [10:42:51] <+Froggy> okay, so you're saying you created enough water, cooled it to absolute zero, and then fro--- okay then. [10:42:52] <wolvar> WHOO [10:42:54] <wolvar> GONE GODMODE [10:42:57] <+Froggy> i wanted an explanation! [10:42:57] <+Froggy> > sad [10:43:02] <!Shay> GOD MODE DEACTIVATE [10:43:04] <wolvar> CHUCK NORRIS MODE DEACTIVATE [10:43:07] <wolvar> xD [10:43:19] <+Rya> he's proud...for making...an invincible character? [10:43:22] <wolvar> yes [10:43:23] <+Rya> anyone can do that :/
-break in time, pointless stuff here-
[10:45:32] <+Taka|> grrr...science talk and i have to go do stuff [10:45:33] <+Rya> but if he was in the hottest star...the water would evaporate so much that it'd break down, wouldn't it? [10:45:36] <+Froggy> that's temperature manipulation! [10:45:38] * wolvar watches shay hold boomerang over head [10:45:50] <+Froggy> which i suppose is kind of telekinesis [10:46:01] <+Froggy> if he is slowing down the particles so much that they are all stationary - at absolute zero. [10:46:21] <+Taka|> also, there's no such thing as absolute zero. it's a theory since any source of warmth (friction) will bring it above absolute zero [10:46:22] <wolvar> but if they're all stationary. then there is no water, right? [10:46:38] <+Froggy> i wonder if his archnemesis manipulates alkali metals [10:46:46] <+Froggy> he'd be screwed when they threw caesium at him [10:46:50] <!Shay> lol logic fail [10:46:54] <wolvar> xD [10:47:00] <!Shay> ohwait [10:47:02] <!Shay> I FORGOT! [10:47:11] <wolvar> there was none to begin with? [10:47:11] <+Taka|> no, his arch nemesis is a physics teacher with a chemestry minor [10:47:11] <!Shay> you don't need LOGIC when you have GODMODE ACTIVATED [10:47:16] <wolvar> xD [10:47:19] <+Rya> yes shay [10:47:20] <+Rya> XD
TSG Shay · Thu Sep 17, 2009 @ 10:14pm · 0 Comments |