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View User's Journal

If you are wondering...
I write what comes to mind, what ever sways my mood. I do not shackle myself to one way of doing anything.
To My Dejected Little Dears...
I have something to say to those inclined,

and with open ears;

the state of distress you are in now,

isn't the only option there is my dears.

Life gets better if you're willing to move on,

it's only you who won't let go,

that keeps you hurt and armed.

Yes it will hurt as life takes you along upon it's ride,

but all rides end,

so why must you spend the whole time trying to hide?

If you want someone to know your pain,

reassure you you'll survive,

that's what they're here for,

your friends

to keep you in your stride.

So please look up,

even dark clouds can hold some beauty untold,

because it's life that can pass you by

if your hope is what you've sold.

My Poor Homepage...
Yes, my poor homepage must suffer for my lack of computer literacy for I can not persuade it to work with me. Maybe someday I will not feel such a fool and be able to make my page whole. So please bare with me. ^.^ <br> -suka

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  • 10/22/06 to 10/15/06 (2)