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Eternal Sunshine of the Quantum Physics
Such some things that rack my mind during the long days and extremely short nights
She blinked in rapid succession as though that act alone would focus the world for her once more. She had never seen a vampire, but she was certain that it didn't look like the thing that was stating before her. She shook her head desperately trying to regain her composure. "I suppose your the delegate from the bloodsuckers, ain't ya?" there was a tinge of fear in Rosaline's voice, but if the other noticed he gave to impression that he did. Rosaline looked him over, trying to figure out what it was that she was looking at. The man, she figured him to be a man by the sound of his voice, but she wasn't sure that this creatures could be categorized as male or female, or even if the procreating, much about them was unknown, they had always hunted humans enslaved them as cattle but had been highly secretive about there culture. The vampires were anything but stupid.

The creature stood a good seven foot tall, if not taller. His body was long and slender, it seemed almost to vibrate with power something deep inside Rosaline's mind was screaming at her to run, as if her own body knew the murderous potential of this creature. A genetic memory of the slaughter that her species had experienced at there hands. His entire body was covered in some sort of armor, it had a metallic shine, but judging by the way that he moved as he stepped through the door of her bar Rosaline guessed that what he was wearing was much more flexible then steel. Even his face was covered by the same material, it wasn't a dome or anything but it looked a helmet of some sort, it have him a more predator profile which only made Rosaline shiver that much more in fear.

When he extended a gloved hand, for a long moment Rosaline did nothing but stare at it as though she wasn't quite sure what the gesture meant.