♥ c h u p i i ♥
r e f e r e n c e s ;
[younger self ref]
[maid outfit]|[w/ visu]|[cake desu?]|[group piccu]
[older self ref]
[♥]|[♥]|[♥] [♥]|[♥]|[♥]|[♥]|[♥]
g e n d e r ; Male.
a g e; 14. (16 in older ref)
h e i g h t ; 5'0".
s p e c i e s ; Rabbit.
s k i n ; Somewhat pale-ish.
e y e s ; Red.
s e x u a l i t y ; Bisexual.
h a i r ; Shades of pink or a salmony color. His hair is long and wavy up to his waist. They're always put into pig tails with lavender hair ties. He also has a lavender bunny clip on his hair. There are 2 hair anttenaes on him. One that curls upward on the middle of his head and the other which curls in the front of his bangs.
o u t f i t ; He has a white dress shirt and sometimes has frills on them. He can be found mostly wearing anything lolita-style. Has a black tie that's always sometimes loose. He wears overalls that are a lighter shade of black. Attached on his overalls that go half-way down his legs are lavender bunny shaped buttons. Same bunny design is on his front pocket, which is white. His stockings are striped black and white. The shoes are a simple black with some shoe strings.
p e r s o n a l i t y ; He's a very cutesy and innocent kind of boy and loves eating chocolate pudding and cheesecake. He'll listen to anyone and will help anyway he can to make them happy. His appearance can be taken advantage of sometimes since both genders fall for him easily. His look also was adopted from a very important person to him.
☆ m i i - c h u ☆
r e f e r e n c e s ;
[younger self ref] [w/o ears] [loli!Mii-chu] [lollipop] [sketches] [rock paper scissors!]
[older self]
g e n d e r ; female
a g e ; 15 (17 in older ref)
h e i g h t ; 5'5"
s p e c i e s ; rabbit.
s k i n ; somewhat pale-ish.
e y e s ; blue-ish with some light blue. c:
o u t f i t ; She has a cute teal dress shirt with loose ruffle sleeves. She likes wearing lots of ribbons on her outfits. Her dress, bow on her chest and neck collar are all yellow but it can be any color she wants depending on her mood. That includes the main base shirt. She is also a fan of the lolita-style but she leads more towards the "sweet" lolita. Her shoes coordinate with what she's wearing but she mostly wears boots.
p e r s o n a l i t y ; She's a very cheerful and energetic kind of girl who dotes on her brother Chupii too much. Her role model is "Miss Rie" because she sets a good example on both her and Chupii. She loves trying new things and loves adventure. Her hobby is cooking.
☂ r i e ☂ r e f e r e n c e s ;
[rie and rei]
o u f i t ;
She can be found wearing a sort of tannish fluffy jacket that can be worn for winter. Fluff comes out on the outer sleeves and around the collar of her jacket. On there are buttons and some pockets. For her shoes, she has boots with fluff with little puff balls dangling. She has a black shirt under her jacket and wears a pink skirt with a red string tied around making a bow. So mainly she has red bows somewhere. Her hair has 2 of them. One big one on the top with a bunny tie in the middle plus the one with bells at the bottom of her braid. Last but not least, she has one single silver heart necklace. . . someone important to her gave it to her.
g e n d e r ; female
a g e ; 17
h e i g h t ; 5'6"
s p e c i e s ; human
s k i n ; very light peach
p e r s o n a l i t y ; She's the main character. She loves her friends but she's mostly shy towards new people she doesn't know. Very sensitive. She tries her very best to do what she's told and despises her father. Her talents are drawing and painting and loves bunnies *cough* (this is the person who gave Chupii his bunny accesories). She has a deep dark secret no one knows about and that would be she has another self inside her, which is Rei.
x-Sasu-hime-x · Sun Dec 09, 2007 @ 07:56pm · 1 Comments |