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Young Oblivion

Young Oblivion 's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Flying in the moon light.

Birthday: 03/29

What I'm Wearing

Who I am

NAME: Oblivion Arkanous
GENDER: Female
AGE: Aprox. 11 years old in human years
RACE: Wolf anthro

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Here I will be showing my daily runway of avatar changes throughout the week.


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Captain Delicious Report | 03/28/2021 11:53 am
Hey, uhh, "Big-Boys-R-Us" sent a package to my place... and the comments say, "with love, thought you could use some help." Have you got any clue as to what it is?
Chocolate Conniption Report | 03/27/2021 11:18 pm
Are you still hosting that "slip-N-slide" summer event?
Devious Chyro Report | 04/19/2020 9:28 pm
Hey, sis. I hope you are doing well. Miss you.


They see you as small and helpless.
They see you as just a child.
Suprised when they find out
That a warior will soon run wild.

Devious Chyro

My protective, manipulative brother.