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I'm weaning myself back onto Gaia... sweatdrop

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I'm now a starving college kid and a full-time fangirl, hence, I'm no longer doing any avi art (plus it was too much of a bother...especially without a scanner -_-;; ) Sorry if this has caused any inconvenience (which I'm certain that it won't but on the off chance that my artwork was the center of someone's universe....which would suck for them. They should get a hobby.)

I'm also now another faceless fangirl amidst the crowd. KAT-TUN and NewS have stolen my heart (and brain...). I would ask for these items back, because I kinda need them, but they are on the other side of the world and speak a language that I know very little of. Nihongo is, unfortunately, not my 1st language. oh well. It's all for the cause I guess. *sighs*

Like funny pics? Come check out RikuYuki's Thread of Funny Icons & Pictures

I am a Zombie Kitty Slave of Ifrit Quan

Also, I'm not online much. kthnxbai


RikuYuki's Journal

About my journal: My journal is about my problems and triumphs, i guess. I hope i do not offend anyone who reads my journal and if I do, get over it. About me: I am very cautious and it's not always easy for me to trust ppl. i'm kind of an introvert


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Josh Hacks

Report | 03/15/2011 11:59 pm

Josh Hacks

thank you for the buy heart

Report | 08/08/2009 10:49 pm


Thanks for buying Black Flow Prom Dress from my store. ^_^


Report | 08/01/2009 12:55 pm


Thanks Chu for buying >3<
live  life ur way

Report | 07/30/2009 6:37 pm

live life ur way

ty for buying :]

Report | 06/30/2009 5:38 pm


hi i just bought something from you
the bigbang theorys lloyd

Report | 06/16/2007 7:41 pm

the bigbang theorys lloyd

sweet avi and awesome drawings

Report | 01/02/2007 1:02 pm


*steals ur soul*

Report | 11/10/2006 5:48 am


hi i am a riku fan if your talking about the KH one
The Kya

Report | 10/21/2006 12:24 am

The Kya

Hey there, lovely. Maybe we can all hang out soon. heart

Report | 10/20/2006 6:11 am


love ur art
its very good
luv your avi
cuz its amazingly a something for avi arena!


Tap my tank.
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