Viewing withallhearts- - x's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


You are now withallhearts - - x.

You have no idea why you're even able to update the about me section of your profile since you're always so busy doing theater stuff.

You glance around your homepage and take into account all the clocks that are around it, including the huge eye and hour glass. You do like time, or the concept of it. Time was made to measure something as obscure as the passing of moments, and tracking such a thing sounds as though it should be impossible, and yet, isn't.

Also, Tek Tek was seriously lacking in any good profile layouts, so this was the closest you could get to a good one.

Anyway, you are still wondering how you are able to update such a small thing as your profile since you never seem to go on gaia anymore. Why? Because you have been so consumed with acting and Assistant Stage Managing that the mere idea of freetime was simply a dream you had sometime between 1 am and 6:40 am. However, with summer around the corner and the closing of the theater season, you find yourself with such an abundance of freetime that you honestly have no idea what to do with it.

So, you write.

You're a pretty good fiction writer, but it's hard for you to come up plots on the fly.

So, you write fanfictions.

You invite people to check out your accont, because really, you secretly like the criticism.

Seeing how it's bed time, you decide to log off.

You: Be Yourself

With hearts,
Xoii <3

~*How do I look you may ask*~
Hair~ Red
Eyes~ Blue/ green
Glasses~ Yes, they're blue with a windmill on the side.

~*Gender and stuff*~
Gender~ v****a, just sayin'.
Sexuality~ Bisexual, but it's going to 80% woman and 20% men....Or at least it feels as such.
Status~ Single

*Sleeping for a long time
*Lime green
*Addicting games
*Ice cream

*Stuck ups
*More Homework
*People who can't Rp when that are Rping
*My mom's boyfriend calling ever five seconds
*My dad
*No lunch
*High school

~A poam about my username~
Joy of this world,
Filled in your heart,
Sometimes all,
With all.....

Hearts filled with sorrow,
laughter, and cries,
The girl under the tree,
praying for you being back.
With all her heart.

These tears of happiness,
and dreed too,
But she feels it

By my good friend Tainted_Black_Moonlight.

Sometimes, I wish the things I say make more sence...

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Viewing 12 of 79 friends


Hearts's random book of fear and wonder!

Oh, you know. Writing things that need to be writen.^^

Just the thins I must right down.....Please read if you want. I putting fanfics in here.^^


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 02/24/2015 9:27 pm


do my eyes deceive me? are you finally active after this long hiatus from gaia? :0
Kawai taiga omocha

Report | 02/09/2013 3:28 pm

Kawai taiga omocha

hi xoii smile


Report | 09/18/2012 7:09 am


Random profile comment FTW! <3
Purple chu

Report | 09/09/2012 6:29 pm

Purple chu

Yeah, whatever. whee

I didn't want to come to school so I faked an illness.
Purple chu

Report | 09/09/2012 2:12 pm

Purple chu

I didn't get to watch Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. emo
Purple chu

Report | 09/09/2012 10:34 am

Purple chu


Report | 06/17/2012 5:05 pm


hey missie wanna join my guild??
Mistress Lunaria

Report | 08/03/2011 12:17 am

Mistress Lunaria

I'm good... a little bored though! ^^

I has a question for youz... o w o

Does you like to roleplay? ^ w ^
Mistress Lunaria

Report | 08/02/2011 6:43 pm

Mistress Lunaria

How is yew? > w <
Mistress Lunaria

Report | 08/02/2011 1:00 pm

Mistress Lunaria

Helloz! o w o


