Jasmine Shea

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First off, I gotta say it -- I've got some serious goals when it comes to getting my dream avatar. So if anyone feels that I'm cool enough to warrant some donationage, or if you see an item on my dream avi that you want to gift me, please please please feel free. You'll be on my buddy list forever. Bee eff effs, I swear.

I'm not addicted yet, but I'm learning to really love it on Gaia. If you've seen me in the forums, you know that I'm very active when it comes to religious studies, plus I dabble in some advanced philosophy concepts. I'm going to school for Modern Languages, which basically means I'm learning as many languages as I can before the student loans run out. Currently in progress: French and Spanish. Books and movies are my lovers (especially fantasy and sci-fi!), I've been a musician since I was in kindergarten, I can roll my stomach both ways, Thoreau is king, I work 2 jobs, and my boyfriend is cooler than your boyfriend. Religiously, I consider myself a pagan simply because I get my most spiritual experiences out in beautiful, beautiful Nature. I love traveling, particularly backpacking. My most recent trip was to Morocco for 2 months, and it was beautiful.

Gaia is right now at the "I do it to pass the time" level for me. I don't offer up a lot of personal information online, but I'm definitely not uptight about it, so if this dinky little profile sparks anyone's interest, drop me a line. I love it when you do that. wink

User Image
Child of the Goddess Avatar
Total Value: 1,729,660 Gold, 50,000 Tickets
1/31/2008 -- Avatar Accomplished!
[Item Information]

Item List:
Red Sketchbook (bought from H.R. Wesley)
The Family Jewels silver
Green Tribal Torso Tattoo (bought in MP)
Green Tribal Right Arm Tattoo (bought in MP)
Green Tribal Left Arm Tattoo (bought in MP)
Green Tribal Head Tattoo (bought in MP)
Green Tribal Bottom Tattoo (traded from saidlucky)
Emerald Forehead Jewel (bought in MP)
Aquatica, Sea Jewels (bought in MP)
Angelic Pendant
Gothic Veil (bought in MP)
Mythic Hair, Essence of Luna (bought in MP)

(Note: I consider this avatar to be completed even though I am still missing a few of the items I had originally planned for it. I found a much better alternative to the Family Jewels item once the Tavern Wench set came out, and I have all the items that really made it a desirable avatar, which were the Mystic Hair and the Gothic Veil. Aquatica adds a nice touch, but it wasn't wholly necessary. The only thing I'd add to it if I found it is the Angelic Pendant, but I found a "normal" alternative for that item, and unless I hit a windfall of 200,000 gold sometime soon, I won't be getting it. My avatar is beautiful, though! I honestly like it better with all its modifications.)

User Image
Space Cadet Avatar
Total Value: 46,986 Gold
12/22/2007 -- Avatar Accomplished!
[Item Information]

Item List:
White Holographic Eyepiece (bought from Crate & Apparel)
Celestial Wrap, Orbital Rings (bought in MP)
Mini UFO, Headphone Home (bought in MP)
G-BOT (bought in MP)
Coal Couture Boots (bought in MP)
Gray Longjohns (bought in MP)
Mecha Form, Neko Suit (bought in MP)

(Note: The items on this avatar were all purchased, but due to differences between the tektek.org image and the way it worked on Gaia, I had to re-fit the image with different items. The longjohns are gone, because I couldn't put the Mecha Form and the longjohns on at the same time. Now, the avatar uses Colonial Stockings and Lex's White Boots from Durem Depot. I still like this version much better, and if it would work, I would use it instead.)

User Image
Ancient Elidhu Avatar
Total Value: 125,752 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Pixie (Dust Circlet) (bought in MP)
Pixie (Dust Skirt)
Blushing Bride's Embroidered Bodice (bought from La Victoire)
Elven Ears (Tone C)

User Image
Indy Anna Jones Avatar
Total Value: 98,995 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Sway Messenger Bag (bought from H.R. Wesley)
Sword of Aegis
Buttoned Down Foliage Boots
Whip of Fire
#603913 Complex Jacket
#603913 Complex Pants
#FFFFFF Complex Shirt
Brown Zoot Suit Tapa

User Image
Treehouse Mystic Avatar
Total Value: 15,089 Gold
1/16/2008 -- Avatar Accomplished!
[Item Information]

Item List:
Natural Coral Pendant (bought from Barton Jewelers)
Kaya the Cat (bought in MP)
Longsleeve White Wool Sweater (bought from H.R. Wesley)
Wine Hippie Shoes (bought in MP)
Olive Loose Cotton Cargo Pants (bought on MP)
Anti-Fashion Green-Orange Head Wrap (bought in MP)

(Note: This avatar was the easiest to accomplish, hence it's one of the first done. I won't be wearing it too much yet, seeing as how I'm getting so much enjoyment out of my Space Cadet avatar, but it is nice to have it. And I got the Aqua-Pink Head Wrap, too, just in case I need some variety!)

User Image
Divine Messenger Avatar
Total Value: 1,930,462 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Pixie (bought in MP)
Egyptian Blue Linen Dress
Hermes' Moon (bought from La Victoire, 3rd generation)
Angelic Pendant
Mythic Hair (bought from MP)
Phoenix Circlet


View All Comments

Shinn Ikari Report | 08/09/2012 3:07 am
Shinn Ikari
Thanks for the purchase
Shandileigh Report | 07/24/2009 9:49 am
Thanx 4 buying ^.^
TheBlackNymphDemon Report | 10/21/2008 6:20 pm
XD That sounds great! I think I will have to start some major brainstorming.
TheBlackNymphDemon Report | 10/19/2008 4:03 pm
That sounds like a great idea! Do you mind if I steal it? User Image
TheBlackNymphDemon Report | 10/19/2008 3:21 pm
I know what you mean. I'm going to be a vampire this year! I'm not sure what I will be doing as of yet...Maybe I'll just dress up and watch a really good horror movie! How about you, any plans?
TheBlackNymphDemon Report | 10/16/2008 6:53 pm
I know XD. So, are you excited for Hallowe'en?
TheBlackNymphDemon Report | 10/13/2008 1:05 pm
Yes, I have. You are very much on my friend list!

P u R p L e P i G m E n T Report | 10/13/2008 11:25 am
P u R p L e P i G m E n T
No problem, I was glad to help.
TheBlackNymphDemon Report | 10/12/2008 4:39 pm
Aw. Thanks ^.^

TheBlackNymphDemon Report | 10/12/2008 4:26 pm
Thanks to you, I was finally able to purchase my bat corset dress! I just wanted to express my gratitude once again and to inform you that you can expect a big thank you present ((once I get some gold XP)).

Happy Early Hallowe'en,



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Jasmine's Party of Words

I won't write in here often, and if I do, it will most likely be a direct reference to my activity on Gaia. Very little personal information...sorry, if that's what you're into. :-3


[b:fd2d5c5103][center:fd2d5c5103]"Freedom in the absence of virtue will destroy a country as quickly as any tyranny."[/b:fd2d5c5103] - John C. Wright[/center:fd2d5c5103]


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