Viewing Innocent Little Lie's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


[|[" L a d y . L i e . S p e a k s . B i t c h e s "]|]

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You may call me Lady Lie. I am 20 and married to a wonderful man. I have two very beautiful kids.
I am a proud Lolita. It isn't for any fetish or any of that s**t. Just because I love it.

I am on Gaia for a few reasons.
    • Roleplaying
    • My lovelies
    • Because I ******** want to

Know this, I am a b***h. I am picky. I can be very kind and loving. But don't push me kids, alright? I left Gaia because of the morons and I don't want to leave again but hey, can't slap a b***h over the internet for ignorant acts.


Viewing 12 of 18 friends


Stained Glass

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

toniie maccaroniie-x

Report | 01/22/2014 7:44 pm

toniie maccaroniie-x

love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. <3
Coute Coquette

Report | 08/26/2012 6:39 pm

Coute Coquette

Hey, do you remember that rp we were apart of. Yes this is super random, and yes I haven't talked to you in awhile.
RADI0 Mouse

Report | 06/26/2012 8:24 am

RADI0 Mouse

Quite awesome. >w<

Still doin' art around here?
RADI0 Mouse

Report | 06/21/2012 1:51 pm

RADI0 Mouse

Wifey~! >w<
How are you?!
Rainbowrific Renia

Report | 01/05/2012 11:39 am

Rainbowrific Renia

Thank you! <3

Oooh, a new clothing line? That's awesome.
He'll be deployed for an entire year? Awww. D:

I love your avatar, by the way.
Rainbowrific Renia

Report | 01/05/2012 11:33 am

Rainbowrific Renia

I've been great! Just dealing with college... fun fun fun.
I also got engaged and recently moved in with my fiance, so there's that.

How about you?
Rainbowrific Renia

Report | 01/05/2012 11:30 am

Rainbowrific Renia

*le gasp*
I remember yoooouuu!
I won one of your art auctions like... forever ago.
ll Lobotomy ll

Report | 10/24/2011 6:07 am

ll Lobotomy ll

Welcome back, sweetheart!
Coute Coquette

Report | 04/14/2011 11:17 am

Coute Coquette


Report | 01/08/2011 6:29 pm




[list:ca1207e203][b:ca1207e203]I don't want to try to fight this love. How dangerous can it be..

Beware lovers. This[/color:ca1207e203] Lady[/color:ca1207e203] is dangerous.[/color:ca1207e203][/b:ca1207e203][/size:ca1207e203][/list:ca1207e203]