Hello, darling, you may call me Lauren.
I live in a place that is bustling with activities; everywhere you turn, there is something or other happening.
Through the streets roam many of my best friends, who fill the world with joy and laughter.
Sometimes I wish I were a bird that could soar high above the world below. I am a dreamer you could say.
According to my friends and family, I am the bird that runs into the glass window multiple times. (laugh>_<. . . . sigh -_-“).
In all truth I am what you might call a procrastinator. . . .
Art, is a beautiful thing in my mind, and I will forever love it!
I love to sleep, and I sleep a
lot. I also sleep with many stuffed animals pillows on bed.
I suppose I'm childish?
I enjoy slipping into my own fantasy world or falling into one through the pages of a good book. I think my own little world distracts me from the one I actually live in.
I am an Aquarious, born in the year of the rat, according to the Chinese callendar.
I like to think that I am good at making conversation, so I hope I do not bore you.
I currently and will always be what my friends call a “tree hugger."
I love to laugh and be plain weird and silly, so feel free to chat with me any time you feel up to it!
~Much LOVE, Lauren!^.~
.:{D}ream {A}vatars:.
.:{M}y {A}rt {S}hop:.
.:{M}y {B}asic {I}nfo:.
Name: Lauren
Nick Names: LorLor, Ren, Duck, Pumpkin, Valentine, and Spaz-o-the-energy-bar.
Age: . . . . .
Birthday: Feb. 17th
Gender: Female
Height: 5’4”
Weight: . . . . .
Hair Color: Light brown/Dark Blond
Eye Color: Blue (with a slight hint of green)
Skin Tone: Light (slightly tanned)
Ethnic Background: American, French, and Irish.
Star Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Calendar Animal: Rat
Religion: Agnostic (Bordering Atheist)
Current Home: Chicago Illinois
Current Occupation: Student/Artist
XxMy AppearancexX
XxMy Friends AppearancesxX
XxMy Family AppearancesxX
XxAvi Art! (I love avatar art)xX
{x} {x} {x} {x} {x} XxBannersxX
{x} {x} {x}Xx"Quotes"xX
• This profile layout was made by the one and only KittyJun.
• The art done for this profile was made by the fabulous Ekimae.
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