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Deus Ex Insula

Deus Ex Insula's avatar

Last Login: 11/13/2021 11:50 am

Registered: 12/19/2007

Gender: Female

Location: The Otherwold

Birthday: 01/12/1992

Occupation: Student


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LabTech Kestin Report | 11/12/2011 9:38 pm
LabTech Kestin Report | 08/03/2011 11:04 pm
Heheh, glad you liked it ^_^ I like to think they eventually find their way home, but even if it could have been worked into the story, I couldn't think of any way to make it remotely I guess it's fanon. Or maybe it's canon, but happens sometime after August 3rd, 2011. Who knows? biggrin

Ah, yeah, I told the folks over on WH but obviously anyone not there doesn't know: I've been busy with a class, but plan to get a new chapter out sometime in mid-August (my last day of class for the session is the 11th, but I may or may not have to move out on the 13th...I don't quite know how it works if I'm living here next fall). While I'm certainly no Jad (ha), I am pretty sucky with deadlines, so we'll see, but I'll do my best. xp
LabTech Kestin Report | 08/03/2011 9:47 pm
oh god what did I write
LabTech Kestin Report | 07/24/2011 11:55 am
I know, which is why I'm dying for the series to reveal just what the heck his deal is. Hopefully this won't be one of those stories where almost nothing is actually answered by the end gonk
LabTech Kestin Report | 07/24/2011 11:46 am
Haha, fanon is like that. xd I can't decide whether he's being controlled, developed a split personality, or is just flat-out crazy. #15 discredits that last one though, he seemed so normal and blargh. I mean, everyone knew he was Masky but he just seemed so sane in that one! Unless he was silently resisting the urge. xp I can just imagine it. "Yeah, no, I don't remember, it was like three years ago...sorry, what was that last one? I'm really distracted by how tackleable you look today."
a misplaced soul Report | 07/17/2011 11:24 pm
Thanks for buying :]
LabTech Kestin Report | 06/17/2011 8:08 pm
Hahaha that is epic. xd
LabTech Kestin Report | 06/15/2011 12:35 am
@status: Where eek
Cathouse Tragedy Report | 05/30/2011 8:56 pm
Hi yeah this is random but I was looking for a list of Silent Hill themed items randomly and a thread you made last year popped up and you seem like a cool person who I would like to get to know =^.^=
LabTech Kestin Report | 05/24/2011 8:16 pm
He was pretty chill about it, but he did seem a bit creeped out, and I can understand why. Although if I ever become famous (like I really want to), I'd love to find fic of me, comment on it as if I were just an ordinary reader who happened to be one of the characters, and watch the author freak out. xd Iunno, I guess I'm just a troll.

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