
Dummytard's avatar


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About me

This is alittle about me. I hate everyone black white brown or purple. I dont care about peoples feelings im here for 1 thing, Arenas. I hate more then anything these retarded noobs who try to cuss me when they are the ones so pathetic that they are trying to get a girlfriend which is probably just some fat hairy guy anyway. Grow up you little rejects stop being lazy and go find a real girlfriend you losers. Dont make being a scum bag your entire life. You can change by simply getting off your rear. Quit being fat and lazy instead of saying Ur Gay say you're gay. Laziness will end you for sure because of how stupid you are. You kids are the new age, you are all worthless and weak.

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AlkalineAkali Report | 01/17/2011 10:57 pm
so im not the only one you troll dnt be jealous that im epic and you are not
WanderingMonochrome Report | 09/24/2010 2:45 pm
Hello there
hibi123321 Report | 04/08/2010 11:15 am
you know what you arnt worth the effort anymore your a loser and i have been laughing at you and you have been cussing at me for commenting thats the rule you broke moron now dont ever comment agean
hibi123321 Report | 04/08/2010 1:47 am
you know i well always hate asses like you who report for no reason. and as well who give 1's on avatars just becuse thay think thay can i hope you and all people like you die a death that well shame your whole family. and you realize i have reported you about 12 times and there are others like me who work hard to make avatars look good and then people like you who think thay own this place come by and try to annoy us so bad that we leave and thats what you are trying to do so you know go die in a ditch somewhere

p.s. its not pming its commenting get it right you moron
hibi123321 Report | 04/06/2010 12:25 pm
your the only emo here moron your most likely a 8 year old who just loves to cute him self arnt you
hibi123321 Report | 04/05/2010 8:44 am
hey you mother ******** moron why dont you stop being a jackass for a sec before i tell all of my friends to report you and i have a question are you retarded im just asking becuse you keep saying the same thing over and over agean get a new insult book
hibi123321 Report | 04/04/2010 3:11 pm
if you want to see a moron look in the mirror you ******** moron
hibi123321 Report | 04/03/2010 2:06 pm
hey i think you should know that im reporting you
hibi123321 Report | 03/30/2010 8:06 am
dude you gave my avatar a one just becuse you hate the show your a moron you need to rate things based on accuricy you ******** bastered by baka no teme just so you know moron that means idiotic bastered
ll BMX4LIFE ll LeGendZzz Report | 01/26/2010 3:22 pm
ll BMX4LIFE ll LeGendZzz
cool avi
PS thanks for the vote and nice comment



I Hate Cats!
