-Ce que je veux gagner, vous avez trop peur de lutte -
-Comment pouvez-vous croire il ya un mal et un droit-
-Vous avez fait de notre monde en un véritable enfer' une nuit sans fin-
-Alors, prenez ma main; Je suis votre guide-
-I'm not too sure that was translated correctly. If you speak French, tell me if that makes any sense.
....Hey look. Ani-san updated this! She must be bored.
Call me Ani-san, Star, or Jaz... I'm not going to go on about the rest of the nicknames I have...Far too many. I am sixteeen, but no driver's license D:, and about to go back into school. Junior baby! I am an odd person, so just be warned. I can be catatonic at times, especially if you confront me about some sore spots, but once you get to know me I am really random and perverted. I would like to call myself intelligent and witty, but that's not really my spot to say. I am firm in my standings, and I will do my best to respect your beliefs if you respect mine. You don't and you incur my wrath! >D I am devoutly Christian, but hopefully do not fall in the manic area. Hopefully.
I love to write and roleplay and hope to be an author when I'm older. As for roleplays I like, I'm currently interested in chatroom roleplays, but I am more than willing to join a more....literate one if the plot is interesting enough. And yes...Of course I love manga and anime. Currently in favor of Kuroshitsuji, D.Gray-Man, and Axis Powers Hetalia, for more well-known ones. I also read Alive: The Final Evolution, Liar Game, and Zombie-Loan.
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