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I am a 33 years old male from Cabarita, which is in Victoria, Australia.
I am Married.
I am 185cm tall, and of an average build - although I am working on this, for the better wink
I am White / Caucasian - originally from NE Scotland.
I label myself an Atheist although it is a tad more complicated than that smile
I have two rugrats biggrin
I am a High School Literature/English/Hummanities Teacher.


I guess the number one interest would have to be music - whether making it or listening to it, I live and breathe it. In second place I would go with modifying cars; I have never owned an unmodified car. In third place - and I know this sounds boring - I would have to say reading and writing. I guess being creative in general is a passion and a need for me.

Some may ask why my family or Magick are not in my interests; well for me my family is a responsibility - one I love dearly - and Magick is not an interest, it is a paradigm.

I also find my job very rewarding - just as well really; as I would be bitterly disappointed if I were in it only for the money.


Everything from Classical to Death Metal; I'm not keen on Country or Ditzy Pop though. Favourites would have to be the big four original classic Metal bands; Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Pink Floyd. Then come the 80's classics; Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax. My favourite Metal/Rock acts at the moment would have to be Opeth, Cradle of Filth, Children of Bodom and Tool.

It's not just all heavy though. In the middle I have; Aerosmith, My Chemical Romance, Alice Cooper and Placebo.

On the lighter side I dig; Ben Harper, America, Jewel and Charlie Hunter.

Then of course there are my muso faves like; Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen and John Petrucci.

I also love Hip Hop, Rap, Techno and any other experimental electronic noise.


I love films. Obviously Horror in all its forms would be top of the list; Action next (especially Martial Arts orientated); then some Art House/Foreign; and finally Asian Animated.

Long time favourites would be: the Nightmare series; the Halloween series; The Star Wars series; the Omen series; the Exorcist; the Shining; early Steven Segal; the Lord of the Rings full trilogy; and an unforgettable classic - The Fog (original).

Movies that have really surprised me, in a good way, are: Vanishing Point (original), Dazed an Confused, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico.

I could go on forever ...but I won't.

People I'd like to meet:

Most of the people I would like to meet are dead unfortunately. Let's see: Aleister Crowley would have to be at the top of the list; Israel Regardie would come a close second; Eliphas Levi an obvious third; then we have Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Dr. John Dee, Samuel Liddel MacGregor Mathers, Arthur Edward Waite, and William Wynn Westcott - there's a bit of a common thread here. I have been in contact with many contemporaries in this field; this is why they are not on this list.

As for musicians: Jimmy Page is top of the list; Steve Vai second; then probably Ben Harper. Hey, these three are actually still alive. There are many other musicians I would like to meet but these would have to be my long term ones.

There are also many writers I would like to meet, but my top three there are dead too; Friedrich Nietzsche, Ayn Rand and William Wordsworth. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Abraham Stoker and Allen Ginsberg would be very worth a look too, but they are dead also.


Anything and everything by Crowley, as well as all the other Magickians and authors I have mentioned. As far as fiction goes, I really like Steven King, Anne Rice and Dennis Wheatley. Surprisingly, teenage fiction also really interests me (just as well I guess being in my line of work), the Harry Potter series rocks, as do the film adaptations.


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bhnopq Report | 06/26/2008 5:46 am
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
v4nitee Report | 06/08/2008 8:27 pm
haha umm... i'm not missing...
I am just... lost?
I don't go on gaia much anymore.. No time
Miss Vicious_x Report | 03/24/2008 1:50 am
Miss Vicious_x
you're a mule! :p
v4nitee Report | 03/24/2008 1:40 am
the mule isnt online very much lol
v4nitee Report | 03/04/2008 3:23 am
and how, might I ask, do you end up sick and we end up with the teacher that scares me the most substituting for the teacher who USED to scare me the most (back in year 8/9 lolz)

I mean seriously... When we have work to do and questions to ask lol
(we did work, mostly... honest!!!)
v4nitee Report | 02/29/2008 7:26 pm
since when do I EVER do work? bwahaha

I am gonna do hw after I watch the last 2 episodes of Alias lol. It's the last season )':
v4nitee Report | 02/22/2008 3:05 am
then maybe you SHOULD go to bed GAWSH! lol
v4nitee Report | 02/20/2008 12:39 am
you ARE a 12 yr old! jks lol
v4nitee Report | 02/17/2008 11:34 pm
aw you interupted my sleep hahaha

I really should go to bed instead of talking to boys all night XD
v4nitee Report | 02/17/2008 1:28 am
I was talking to dad this morning and I MENTIONED that they have a tattoo place in redy now and he ordered me to "NEVER GO IN THERE" bahahaha

I need sleep, don't be surprised if I fall asleep in class haha


Go Suikakuju!!!


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