Captured Azure

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nateXearthworld Report | 11/27/2010 2:02 pm
XxTwisted_MemoriesxX Report | 11/07/2009 2:27 pm
hi judy!
Cutiepie0605 Report | 09/20/2008 4:41 pm
Hi Judy! What's up? Do you go on gaia often?
Zero-Hikari789 Report | 06/07/2008 10:31 am
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
Cutiepie0605 Report | 05/12/2008 6:20 pm
Hey, are you & your friends going to the carnival this Friday?
I AM! And I think I'm hosting a game booth too. Need to double check with the PTA. See ya there! biggrin
Skater-Girl-012 Report | 05/10/2008 12:02 pm
When u feel like me. ! . ! . ! I dont promise that I will make u laugh, but I can cry with u. If one day u want to run away dont be afraid to call me. I dont promise to ask u to stop...... but I can run with u. If one day u dont want to listen to me. I promise to be there for u but also promise to remain quiet. But one day if u call...... and there is no answer..... come fast to see me. Perhaps I need you. ____0000000000______0000000000_____ __000________000__000________000___ _000___________0000___________000__ 000_____________00_____________000_ 000____________________________000_ 000___________THANKS__________000_ _000____________FOR___________000__ __000__________BEING_________000___ ___000__________MY_________000____ _____000______FRIEND______000______ _______000______________000________ _________000__________000__________ ____________000____000_____________ ______________000000_______________ ________________00_________________ ________________ 0 _________________ WHATS SHREK W/OUT DONKEY? WHATS Minnie W/0UT MiCKEY ? WHATS PIGGLET W/0Ut P0OH ? WHATS PATRiCk W/0Ut SP0NGE BOB ? WHATS MEE W/0UT U . . . SEND THIS TO ALL tHE PPL U LUV 0R FRiENDS U NEVER WANNA LOSE. If you get this back, you are loved -- BiGTiME. =D Rose Are Red, Violets Are Blue, I Will Fight Anyone Who ******** Witchu. Send To Ereybody Whose Back you Got And C Who Has Urs There are 20 angels in this world 10 are sleeping 9 are playing and 1 is reading THIS IS A TEST TO SEE HOW MANY FRIENDS YOU HAVE.. YOU MUST SEND IT TO AT LEAST 10 PEOPLE, INCLUDING THE PERSON WHO SENT IT TO YOU *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug*

kittykitty_kittydog Report | 05/05/2008 7:14 pm
kittykitty_kittydog Report | 05/03/2008 10:34 pm
Is the penguin's name Fatso Penguin?
Cutiepie0605 Report | 04/28/2008 8:42 pm
Congratulations Judy! Glad that you are qualified in the GATE program. smile I knew you'll fit in there. Did you ever take the make-up GATE test last year?
capturedazure Report | 04/22/2008 6:46 pm
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez someone get me sumthing on my wishlist!!!
Exspecially that Bubble shirt thingy!! Oh ya...I got new straw sandals.
It was 480g... I sold my lucky star for 999g. Now I have ____g.
Im not gunna tell you how much cause I know ppl who hack, so...
BYE! [ domokun ]



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Yes, I am Judy's BFF.

Buy me something on my wishlist and I'll love you forever (:<3