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Natoya Nicole Ect. | 14 | Sinqlee | Striqht | Iqet money | Ireppp | Iparty
Dhiszx paqe whus mhade 1000% by meh, dhont JOCK ne-thinqq

-Im on tha paper chase,My man paypa straight,He took me to his house"Welcome to the Safe""Oh Mah God"he made it hard to keep a straight face,iGot'em on his knees tellinq me"How good it Taste".

→ Aightt , For Doess Who Dunnt Noe Her - Da Namee Ihs Natoya Nicole ect. , She Been Threww Hell &' Back For [ 14 ] Yearss ; Buh She Still Standingg _ Lil Momma Pretty & Sure ihs Paidd - Aha ,She $ingleeee ; & Lovingg It <3 , Currently Attendingg HiqhSchool [ 9 th ] Gradee . She Dun f.u.c.k W / Alotaa B.i.t.c.h.e.s Buh She Sure do Got Herss , She Suree Do Bumpp Bouhh Dem No Questionns asked ! Thts All Yall Lamess Gutaa Noe , Still Curiousee Well F.u.c.k F.u.c.k F.u.c.k You Kousee Shxt Aint Friednly Around Heaa Woe,

If yer lookinq for uh hoe to rock ; p.u.s.s.y to pop ; & uh b.i.t.c.h to suck yo c.o.c.k well b.i.t.c.h yuh in dha wronq spot ! quysz & hoe'sz whisper and shout Natoya ; well yall no me aѕ Toya if not shawty ; Hell yea i qot uh phone [ 863 - 5** - 5*** ) ; ive qot dha white , black and puerto rican blood flowinq in my vein'sz ; ι be black flaqinq all day 24/7 ; blowinq dha candle'sz & popinq dhem bottle'sz may 24' [dont forqet ) ; ιm sιnqleeee ! ; hoe'sz hop off dont try takinq my name! & i anit no follower im alway'sz uh leader ; i jam to hip-hop & r&b ! ; ilove bitinq( sexually ] ; ilove dancinq ; ilove beinq a freak ; ilove weed&skittle'sz; & ilove partyinq hard (♥] Peace siqn up index finqer down and im out<3

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