Little Old Me

Well ******** there.
I'm Chaotic Delerium and this is my shitastic profile.
Hmm...what you need to know....well, to be honest, you dont need to know anything, but I'll give you the liberty of having some knowledge of yours truly.

I go by many names, but Chaotic seems to do just fine, make it an acronym why dont'cha? Oh, and my dearest Homeskillet, a.k.a. Amani_Rose calls me Del Del, but I dont think you are entitled to. I dont know, go ask her.
I'm 16 years old. Yep....16 magical years on this shitastic ball of water and dirt. Funtastical.
I'm in 11th grade, so yes, so close yet so far!
I am taken, sorry all you *****. I wont cave into you. So dont send me your ******** up messages or hit on me in the towns. I'll probably just tell on you. And I didnt mean Gaia either.
Where I live? Well, I live in good old America, the land of [******** You. I sadly reside in Pennsilvania....god, its so different then where I originally came from, New Jersey and Flordia. CULTURE SHOCK TO THE MAX.
I have some friends. I'm not all that friendly persay, but once I get to know you, well we can only go one of two roads, right?
I dont like it when people say "describe yourself" because no one can describe themselves, I think that makes you an a*****e. How you see yourself is how you see yourself, when someone asks you, they dont give a s**t about what YOU think about yourself, they wanna know how everyone else sees you and they judge if they want anything to do with you or not.
My favorite animals? Wolves, otters, white tigers, FERRETS, ravens, pikas, anything unusual and strange.
I also have a sick obsession with the paranormal. I'm like a ******** freak. I love looking at video's on Youtube and calling hoaxes. Yes, I have no life.
I like music. No preticular genre, just none of that ghetto s**t you hear on the radio these days. Very very VERY little of that s**t. AND COUNTRY. I HATE COUNTRY.
Bands...hmm...I hate this question, because there is so many. I like listening to bands like Rammstein, Nightwish, Linkin Park, Evanescence, HIM, Green Day, Marilyn Manson, Shiny Toy Guns, etc. etc. A random assortment of What The ********] pretty much.
Anime I am interested in....well, my first ever ANIME anime was Full Metal Alchemist. Then I went to Trinity Blood, then Naruto, then Wolf's Rain, then Ginga Densetsu Weed, and now I am attempting Bleach. I sometimes watch Black Cat if I am really bored. And yes people, I consider Pokemon an anime and I have been watching that since it ever came out and yes, I still do. Oh, and I at one time tapped Yugioh, now its just gay as s**t....
Any talents? I hate to say, but I am a freak when it comes to reading. Like, 500 pages in two hours kind of freak. Yea, it's pretty bad. And I'm stupid good at finding information. You wanna know it, I probably already do. If not, I can find it out pretty quickly.
Oh...and by now, if you think I'm an emo kid, GET THE ******** OFF MY PAGE. DONT YOU DARE CALL ME EMO. f*****t!
Yea...I'm pretty moody...I should be considered bi-polar, but I'm not dangerous so I guess they wont let me...DAMN IT ALL!!!
I hate yoai/yuri/whatever that bullshit is. No, I'm not a homophobe, I support gay rights, but tone it down a bit people. Good for your enthusiasm, but you are all kinda freaking me the ******** out....
I have a bit of a swearing problem if you havent noticed. No, I dont have Tourettes, I just like to swear. I am sorry if you have a problem with that.
I like big words....the bigger the better. And paradoxes. I like mind games and all that, its fun.
Well there you go. Thats all you need to know. Ta-ta for now, dont come back.


WARNING: This is really long
I am the one not wearing glasses, lol

The View From Under Your Bed


Do you know what's worth fighting for
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take you breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weight out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Does someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins


*will fill this in eventually*