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TrueBonanza Report | 07/29/2013 10:30 am
1.5k enki catch?
Stubbius Report | 06/28/2013 2:40 pm
Stubbius Report | 06/28/2013 2:29 pm
Thanks. I don't like it either. haha
Stubbius Report | 06/28/2013 1:09 pm
I paid 22mill for Olly The Otter. They rereleased him in a mass quantity and he is now worth 5mill. I actually lost 17mill
Stubbius Report | 06/03/2013 11:51 pm
Yeah, the funk is still here, but idk. Today was a good day.
And go pay her a visit then twisted make her reschedule you! bahaha
Stubbius Report | 06/03/2013 1:21 pm
No idea why. Just stress probably and my lack of being able to deal with it. I feel a bit better today though.
And you need to spoil baby too :] completely understandable. When do you guys find out the gender?
Stubbius Report | 06/02/2013 8:55 pm
Just my anxiety and some depression working up. Nothing to worry about honestly.
I'm glad everything is going smoothly for you though :] I'd be going into crazy baby mode if I were her too.
Stubbius Report | 06/02/2013 7:23 pm
hello dear :] I've been better. But I've been worse too. haahaha. How are you? How's baby doing?
Stubbius Report | 04/24/2013 6:29 pm
How are we doing love? Did you get the whole insurance thing taken care of?
Stubbius Report | 04/18/2013 9:18 pm
I'm west coast, in Arizona. The government given health insurance for those who can't afford it will literally cover anything and everything here including any copay. Sadly right now they are only giving it to pregnant women here, so I'm not eligible yet.


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