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Merlin Mage of Water

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Dear Reader,
I come today to tell you a fun little story about a little girl named Tabby. Now see when Tabby was young she was normal and nice! A perfect little angel, a saint, a beacon in the night that her light shined so bright even the angels above had to shield their eyes from her innocence. Radiant was she with her springy curls and pretty, white lace dresses. And then one day the ignorance that shielded her from all the dark things in the world was destroyed and she was shown the true horrors of the world. She didn't know who to trust anymore because they where all force feeding her lies; she lost all her radiance and slowly started to fade the agony around her was just too great for her fragile little heart. Until one day, as she sat in her corner rocking backwards and forwards repeating her mantra 'I'm not insane' when an sky rocketing epiphany hit her! So what if she was insane. This thought bloomed and blossomed inside her young little mind till it was reverberating throughout her whole body, shaking her deep within. Soon a giggle passed her lips and then another and then another; hysterical laughing fell rapidly out of her body. She jumped up with a new smile on her face! Glorious was this world in all it's agony and tryst! Wonderful was their suffering! She darkened her curls to a midnight black and painted her face white. If the world was impure then so shall she. But she would laugh and laugh and laugh at the terror and macabre and horror. Because she wasn't wrong, oh no, they where. They where the insane ones while she, she was just simply ahead of the curve. Ahead of their pathetic little lives, of their pathetic little problems. Now she was me, that inner little person that little voice inside your head waiting to be let free. I'm in your head too waiting for your meltdown so I can come shinning through! But till then, goodbye for now.
Yours Forever


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DeludedDarkness Report | 07/23/2009 5:11 pm
NIce, lolz
DeludedDarkness Report | 07/20/2009 3:14 pm
DeludedDarkness Report | 07/14/2009 6:06 am
XDDDDDDDDD I love to view them and own them, but I would never wear one unless I lost all mah fatness and got skinny XDDD *really is average build* But still! and thats awesome. What sort of dress would it be?
DeludedDarkness Report | 07/09/2009 8:18 am
XDDDDDDDDDD I have no life either so calm the hell down. Me to the point that Im making Victprian bustle gowns for a gothic vampire doll I have! D<
DeludedDarkness Report | 07/08/2009 7:23 am
me tew v.v
DeludedDarkness Report | 07/06/2009 10:03 am
XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD cardiac arrest, actually, but okay XD
DeludedDarkness Report | 07/05/2009 3:19 pm
XDDDDDDDD Oh lol, okay then
DeludedDarkness Report | 06/30/2009 8:04 am
XDDDD nice and isnt he the guy that beat up a hooker to show that sham wow cleans up blood...?
DeludedDarkness Report | 06/27/2009 12:10 pm
I know DDDDXXX I was like "wtf?DX" He was one of those people you never really think would just die.. DX and never-mind XDDd I have discovered how to get free itunes music XD
DeludedDarkness Report | 06/24/2009 6:44 pm
XDDD Dewd! is that offer still up for you to send me the combichrist cd? I just bought new blank CDS~



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