Of Dragon DeScent

Of Dragon DeScent's avatar

Birthday: 09/25


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Hello. I'm Of Dragon DeScent. I'm sixteen years old and I love to write. I love taking pictures of nature and my friends. I'm on the swim team and I'm pretty good at it. I'm a bit shy and a bit awkward to talk to at first but once I've gotten to know you I can be the silliest and most outgoing person you've ever met. I have a hard time talking to people over text messages and e-mails because it's a little harder to react to a situation you're not actually in. I'm attending high school and I receive good grades.
I have an addiction to books. I love reading and when I'm not reading I'm thinking of ideas for stories. I have many stories that I've started. A couple have failed to continue but many have become very popular with my friends. I love writing and I love creating new worlds and new situtations. In fact my gaia name is taken from the title of one of my stories in progress.
Well, it's been nice to give you all this, probably useless, information. Buh-bye.


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Total Value: 5,805,000 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Compass of Seidh 10th Gen
Compass of Seidh 9th Gen
Solar Mage
Hermes' Moon
Lumiere Noire
Gilt Thorns
Compass of Seidh 3rd Gen
Lala the Koala Plushie

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Total Value: 18,697,800 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Pale Marionette
Bunny Flop
Black Xtreme Offroader Boots
Nefarious Plumage
Aeschylus's Order
Midnight Club
Noel's Gift
Noel's Gift 4th Gen.
Golden Wings
Monarch Headphones


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BreshkaBodizzle Report | 04/16/2012 4:15 pm
PFFFFFT! It's so meeeeeann... >u<
BreshkaBodizzle Report | 12/19/2011 3:40 pm
Psha~ You know it. Alive and typing!
Oto no Kurayami-hime Report | 08/27/2011 10:35 am
Oto no Kurayami-hime
Thank you for purchasing.

Rhaige Desolation Report | 07/28/2011 11:38 pm
Rhaige Desolation
Wheh . . Huh?!?! That . .That makes no sense, honey . .. xD And. . .And . ..We should go out to the lake and Tuuuuuuube
Rhaige Desolation Report | 07/12/2011 5:46 am
Rhaige Desolation
OMFG, Heyyyyyyy! Suppy in the guppy with my Kimmie? See . . .I was considering making ALL of that rhyme, but then I was like, "Wait . .It would sound wrong" So I didn't, But hey! I don't need to be a poet, in fact, most of the time I figure I should go on to be something awesomer than a poet . .. Like maybe the leader of a super panda-panther robot rescue team! biggrin But . . .That's for the future. So for now, I bid you ELLO! <3
Nekromansir Report | 06/19/2011 5:52 pm
Hi o .o
Rhaige Desolation Report | 11/21/2010 9:44 pm
Rhaige Desolation
I guess on Tuesday . . .Cos I forgot today xD
And I left all my stuff at your place, sorry.
Rhaige Desolation Report | 11/21/2010 12:57 am
Rhaige Desolation
Psst! Kimmie . . I found something for you . . .I'll show it to you if I come over tomorrow, kay? You'll be interested, but I can't show it here for fear of being killed by admins or mods or some such authoritive figure.
Deathly Red Report | 11/01/2010 11:22 pm
Deathly Red
You asked her for people, try asking her for technology. I heard recently she found a particularly useful one.
Phoenix Solara Report | 10/31/2010 10:39 am
Phoenix Solara
Ahh... So i guess that means that they turn green when eating the purple tree-bark, right?


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