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My *Moral Alignment Test*

I am 89.2% good, 64.2% lawful, making me lawful good.

v *Moral Alignment Test* v

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Zodiac and Birth Chart

Zodiac and Birth Chart

May --, ---- Zodiac and Birth Chart


Zodiac animal details: Chinese Zodiac
Someone born on May --, ---- is considered to be ruled by the 鼠 Rat zodiac animal.

The Yang Wood is the related element for the Rat symbol.

It is believed that 2 and 3 are lucky numbers for this zodiac animal, while 5 and 9 are considered unlucky.


Blue, Gold ( Golden Hues ) and Green are the lucky colors for this sign, while yellow and brown are considered negative/ unlucky colors.

Among the specificities that define this zodiac we can include:

• A tenacious person
• A ambitious person
• A industrious person
• A shrewd decision maker

Some elements that may best characterize the behavior in love of this sign are:

- Thoughtfulness and Kindness
- Care Giver
- Sometimes Impulsive
- Protective of Others

A few aspects that may best emphasize the qualities and/or defects related to the social and interpersonal relations of this sign are:

*They are worried about their image in a social group.
*Are very sociable.
*Are likeable by others generally.
*Will seeking new friendships regularly.

Strictly referring on how a native ruled by this sign manage his career we may conclude that:

*They rather prefer improving things than following certain rules or procedures.
*Are perceived as cautious.
*Has good organizational skills
*Is sometimes difficult to work with because of perfectionism

These are a few famous people born in this year:

" Jude Law
" William Shakespeare
" Diego Armando Maradona
" John F. Kennedy

This date's ephemeris locations:

The ephemeris coordinates for this birth date are:

Sidereal time: Sidereal time: 16:03:10 UTC
Ephemeris sun Sun in Gemini at 02° 03'.
Ephemeris moon Moon was in Pisces at 04° 54'.
Ephemeris mercury Mercury in Taurus at 06° 55'.
Ephemeris venus Venus was in Taurus at 25° 34'.
Ephemeris mars Mars in Scorpio at 16° 44'.
Ephemeris jupiter Jupiter was in Capricorn at 12° 08'.
Ephemeris saturn Saturn in Scorpio at 11° 39'.
Ephemeris uranus Uranus was in Sagittarius at 11° 58'.
Ephemeris neptune Neptun in Capricorn at 00° 48'.
Ephemeris pluto Pluto was in Libra at 29° 54'.

May --, ---- astrology, Other astrology & horoscope facts
The weekday for May --, ---- was Wednesday.

The soul number that rules the -- May, ---- day is 5.

The celestial longitude interval for Gemini is 60° to 90°.

Geminis are ruled by the 3rd House and the Planet Mercury. Their lucky sign stone is Agate.


Geista's avatar

Registered: 02/29/2008

Gender: Male

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Some Info...

Im basically, here as an Older Gaian Im an '08 User, so Ive been around for just over 15 years now.

Im a bit older for a Gaia User but nothing to far off what the average age is here nowadays, if you wanna know an exact number, feel free to ask, thought to me age itself is not especially important in most instances.

I get DEPRESSED often or moody maybe a better way to explain it, I also can be very PARANOID and with that, it can be hard for me to trust a person who is new to me, or someone who claims that they have come back and cant explain who they on and so forth....I May Block You If I Decide Your Up To No Good...

Im a GUY , but I do dress my avi as either "Guy" or "Lady" or in-between.

Im also "BI" as in I like both guys and ladies, so take that as you will, I dont judge any person for their likes and dislikes.



View All Comments

VAIME Report | 04/28/2024 6:51 pm
No problem man. One day I'll be able to code as well as you fr
Disenchanted Muse Report | 04/28/2024 6:36 pm
Disenchanted Muse
-hugs- Here's to muddling through it all. xp
Disenchanted Muse Report | 04/28/2024 5:41 pm
Disenchanted Muse
You didn't do anything that needed apologizing for, that I can think of. So, please don't worry. 3nodding

It's that time of the cycle for me, so I'm gonna be a bit off for the week. sweatdrop
Disenchanted Muse Report | 04/28/2024 2:09 pm
Disenchanted Muse
Disenchanted Muse Report | 04/28/2024 8:48 am
Disenchanted Muse
Stickers will be delayed by about a week. Staples didn't have what I needed. Which is not that big of a deal. 3nodding Gives me time to make sure I've got all of the right templates for printing and things will look right.

In the meantime, I go back to focusing on getting more tacks painted and colors organized for my eggs. And tidying up my workspace to photograph some clutter I can clear out through eBay. 3nodding
Disenchanted Muse Report | 04/27/2024 4:57 pm
Disenchanted Muse
The bosses were out enjoying the town and touring the dragons in the area. I was behind the counter with faulty internet making it difficult for sales to go through. However, it as a good sales day, lots of people were out and about, and I managed to test seal an envelope of stickers to determine if it would affect the stickers. All seems to be working out on that end, so...once the sheets of labels come in on Monday, I can go into near full sticker making/packing/sealing process and have something available for sale by Thursday. Hopefully. Gotta make another run to Staples for smaller packs of labels that won't come in for another week...which can wait until tomorrow. Or Monday. Depending how I'm feeling. sweatdrop
Disenchanted Muse Report | 04/26/2024 6:11 pm
Disenchanted Muse
I messaged my boss about my misadventures with my new printer just now. Printing up stickers of my artwork is more challenging no matter how much I preplanned in advance! xd

She proceeded to tell me about her day of trying to print up some tour guide books for tomorrow and all of the trials and tribulations that brought on. It’s just been that kind of week! xd

Hopefully, the weather tomorrow will be nice for the walking tour, and the shoppe is plenty busy while I’m manning it. ^_^
Disenchanted Muse Report | 04/26/2024 3:09 pm
Disenchanted Muse
Writing and chatting help to organize one’s thoughts. That, I know to be true from experience and other’s experiences. So, I’m happy to be a sounding board. ^_^

Today was just a routine day of painting tacks, though some thought was put into researching printer/setting templates and answering a question concerning shipping.

I hope today finds you well, and that your foot is on the mend. I like the look of your avi. It reminds me of childhood cartoon wizardy characters. ^_^
Disenchanted Muse Report | 04/26/2024 9:32 am
Disenchanted Muse
I don't have a clear and conscious response to your recent comment about your dreams other than what you wrote made me smile. I wanted to share at least that much for now, so you didn't think I didn't read it or was ignoring it.

My mind has been a bit muddled since yesterday afternoon, and I'm still very tired even though I think I slept well enough.

Thank you. For sharing your thoughts and ideas and your dreams. It's refreshing and comforting.
Disenchanted Muse Report | 04/25/2024 6:46 am
Disenchanted Muse
My mind will do the same thing. A lot of your dreams sound similar to mine.

I would say that if you’re dreaming of someone who is still living, it might not be a bad idea to touch base with them. Reach out and reconnect. Even if it’s just a few messages back and forth, hearing about how they’re doing. It helps. It can be grounding and therapeutic. 3nodding

The anxiety dreams usually mean you’ve got something stressing you and you likely need to make a decision about it. Those ones can be rough when you’re unsure of which path to take. If you can pinpoint what’s stressing you and make a list of good ways to reduce the stress, you’ll be closer to finding a resolution and moving on from those dreams.

Hunger dreams might be that you’re hungry. Whenever I have dreams about needing to go to the bathroom but the toilet is always in an uncomfortably public place…it means my body is trying to get me to wake me up cuz I really need to pee. xd So, yeah…there are dreams out there that are just that literal.

Waking up into a dream ends up being an annoying cycle of my brain convincing me that I don’t need to wake up just yet…but it doesn’t know how else to occupy me. rolleyes Not saying it might be the same for you, but it’s a possibility. 3nodding


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