Ummm..., I go by Moon... this is ME <3
I like to draw... listen to music... talk with people (via cell phone, email, hotmail messenger... uhhh, facebook [just made it... >-< my friends kept telling me to make one, so I did...]), and read books, write stories... surf the web (I do that a lot...), swimming
I have a summer job at the moment, only on weekends though, so Im only really on Gaia during the week
and that's it... <3 Loves
((Heck Cha))

((Key to my Heart Anyone? lawlz XDDD))

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Currently Questing: Gimpi
Side Quest: AVI-ART
Donate/Draw me please? o 3o"
Side Quest: AVI-ART
Donate/Draw me please? o 3o"
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