Nanami: Konichiwa! I'm Nanami Kitsuren. You can call me Nana, for short. And this is my panda, Kuon. Isn't he just kawaii!?!?!
Kuon: Grrrrr.....
Nanami: Kuon! Be nice to the strangers! Anyways... I'm a former Tagged.com semi-celeb. I was originally know as Megumi Hayashi-Tatsuko, but some things happened on there, so I quit.
I am my own cosplay. What I mean by this is: the real person behind Nana-chan is a very creative girl and she gets all her ideas from roll playing.
So how did Nana-chan come to be? I'll tell you....
Back when Megumi was at her peek of popularity. Her celebrity boyfriend, Shadokuro, was caught up in a scandal that broke her heart. Someone who Megumi "thought" was her friend told her that she and Shadokuro were secretly seeing each other. Even though Megumi and Shado were on rocky shores in their relationship, a "break" is NOT a "break up". So even though Megumi still loved him very much, she couldn't bare the pain of such a secret. So she ended the relationship right there.
After all that pain, a TRUE close friend of her's, Kurama Kitsuren, thought that it would help ease the pain if Megumi joined his family. Megumi ever so happily excepted, and changed her name and appearance. She was now known as Nanami Kitsuren. (ME!)
On tagged, I was removed from the Kitsuren family. I had no idea why. But after I was removed, I talked to Kurama privately and asked him what was going on. He told me that the Kitsuren family was getting way too big to handle, and there were problems with other tagged families. So in technicality I'm still Megumi Hayashi-Tatsuko, but Kurama still see's me as Nana Onee-chan :]
*~The End~*
-giggles- But yea... that's my story.
Kuon: -barks like a puppy-
Nanami: Oh Yea! Arigatou Kuon! I hope to be aother semi-celebrity. Well, at least on Gaia. But for MORE than just my kindness.. meh... -shrugs- We'll just have to wait and see. Wont we? :]
Being The Chronicals of Victoria Ann Hoefler
The way I say....
kinda like my myspace blogs... only on Gaia ^^
*~Somedays You Gotta Dance~*
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