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Hello, I'm Koneko Kanashimi.

I don't update this "About Me" very often... So some things on here may be a little inaccurate. Last edited: 1/30/14

I am currently a sophomore in college.
The Scarf of Sexual Preference says: None of your ******** business.

I'm on Tumblr more than anywhere else. Glee, Homestuck, No. 6, and SnK fangirling is serious business, yo.
Since I'm very rarely here, hit me up on Tumblr at SimbaSerket! <33

I have a cat named Simba. He passed away 10/06/12. I miss him everyday.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Token Evil Teammate

Report | 06/28/2012 3:50 pm

Token Evil Teammate

Dude just block So As I Pray; nothing of value will be lost I promise. lol

Report | 06/12/2012 7:29 pm


thanks for the buy

Report | 12/04/2011 5:06 pm


Did you at least get paid? D:
And, you've seen him since then, right?

I've been stressed: Finals this coming week. Ugh.

Report | 11/28/2011 11:59 pm


That in itself is rough D: 4 hours even if you could drive is still 4 out and 4 back, 8 total just for snow.

D: You didn't enjoy relaxing? Did you spend time with your boy at all?

Report | 11/27/2011 1:26 pm


Well, the snow is about two hours away from me, so it's still quite a drive. But it's worth it <3
You just have to go slow! No pun intended.
Thank you <3
My Thanksgiving went well, I got to sleep in my bed <333
How did yours go?

Report | 11/24/2011 1:20 pm


Ah, you and me both kiddo :l
I KNOW. I used to despised break because I'd get comfortable and then have to go right back.
I'm going snowboarding every chance I get :3

Report | 11/21/2011 9:05 pm


Lucky you, early break ><
I get a month off for Winter though, so I shouldn't complain :3
Finals come up for me after the break, so I'm studying already.
How goes school?

Report | 11/21/2011 6:17 pm


Oh wow! (: Well done!
How are things going? Sorry, I've been super busy, midterms and the like.

Report | 11/08/2011 3:38 pm


Yeah, but sports help you stay fit for...
more, personal activities :3 I jest~
Interwebs are good for your fingers :3

Thanks >< Maybe we are~
How long have you known your boyfriend?

Report | 11/06/2011 10:58 pm


I was playing Ultimate Frisbee D:

That's good! Meeting his friends is always a good thing.
I've been with the same girl for three years and five months (: No worries.
We're good. She just came up to see me last weekend actually <3


Follow me on Tumblr: SimbaSerket !!
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Keep resting, Piggy.
06/01/00 - 10/06/12