Hello, I'm Koneko Kanashimi.
I don't update this "About Me" very often... So some things on here may be a little inaccurate. Last edited: 1/30/14
I am currently a sophomore in college.
The Scarf of Sexual Preference says: None of your ******** business.
I'm on Tumblr more than anywhere else. Glee, Homestuck, No. 6, and SnK fangirling is serious business, yo.
Since I'm very rarely here, hit me up on Tumblr at SimbaSerket! <33
I have a cat named Simba. He passed away 10/06/12. I miss him everyday.
Follow me on Tumblr: SimbaSerket !!
Keep resting, Piggy.
06/01/00 - 10/06/12
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