Hello, And Welcome to RandomBoy123's Profile!!
How nice it is of you to place a visit!!
Nice to meet you!!
For your information, I am 14 (15 in december)
On that day, I would love for you to drop me a present, if you wish, and even a comment!!
P.S. If you would like to help me, which would be great, then just check out my wish list! Thanks to all you amazing people out there!
PaSs OvEr A cOmMeNt, AnD i WiLl CoMmEnT yOu BaCk!!

Death Note is the greatest of all Anime!!
The Random's Role
My brief description of my Journal, is what amazing journey's I have been through, whilst on GAIA. What I like and hate about GAIA. What my hobbies are and other important information about me!

Check out my wish list!
Thank you!
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