vi (:

Vianna, or Vi.
Whichever you would prefer calling me.

T h i s I s M e < 3

* I love tarantulas

* I love speaking to people that know what proper grammar is. Don't get mad at me for not talking to you if you can't spell or choose not to.

* I am the most straight forward person you will ever meet.

* I do not care about negative opinions. I love myself. I don't need all of that nonsense in my life. Back up.

* I've been playing guitar for twelve years, still going. Definitely my life's passion.

*Don't bother asking for my number, because I don't give my number to potential ***** on the internet. I don't care if it's really you, it's a no go.

Do what this site was made for.

Peace, Love, Happiness. Keep it alive.