Arts! And some other crap n' crap.
I may be cute like this...

I may be sexy like this...

But most of the time, I'm like this.

Hello, my name is Katie, a former Girl Scouts member.
I've resigned from Girl Scouts due to the schedule for after school Jazz Band rehearsals during my seventh grade year.
Now as a tenth grader, I've decided to turn my all-used up avatar into a *former gaia girl scout member wannabe thingamajig*.
Here is an ideal image to the gaia girl scout.

A bit fancy.
But I do dislike being blond, even though it looks pretty.
But here is my girl scout avatar, a tad offensive-looking though.

180 degrees different.
Instead of the normal chocolate chip cookies, lemon cookies and some other normal looking cookies, I serve cookies that are very different from others.
Here are the selections.
-Poison Filled.
-Helium stuffed.
There will be more flavors coming up when I feel like it.
Come grab a cookie from me if you see me, and I want to see your guts flying everywhere. (:
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l biggrin
You gotta see this video!!!
After you see it... Send it to all your friends and so on...
I'm trying to have as many girls as i can see this video...
Cause every girl deserves to see this video!!!
It really helps through out life smile
From: Hey_Brook smile
P.S. PASS IT ON!!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!