Captain Corbin Perdue

Captain Corbin Perdue's avatar


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mrsarabellasparrow Report | 07/05/2009 3:50 pm
you're very welcome, mate...that is one very awesome avvi you got there! and i love pirates, as you can tell, so i had to rate it a 5!
GreenDayLovingWhovian Report | 07/04/2009 12:08 pm
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Thanks for buying from my shop! Have a great holiday if you are American, if not...have a great weekend smile smile heart
PS: Did you draw that picture? It's VERY good!!!!!
Organic Kisses Report | 06/24/2009 11:10 pm
Organic Kisses
Thanks for the buy!
DAS X3 Report | 02/25/2009 2:22 pm
rrrrr give me the booty and ill let u walk the plank
Captain Jessie Hawk Report | 02/18/2009 5:10 pm
Captain Jessie Hawk
Aye most of it!
Lytsar Report | 01/27/2009 4:34 pm
Well, about a third have extensively detailed stories, my Lumiere included. But it's not required or anything.

The Black Mamba? She named it for the black "tattoo" of a snake on her wrist/snake goddess tied to her soul. She drifted into the alliance on her own, her old crew having mutinied her and set her adrift while she slept. She had three crewmates back then that she'd really considered her crew, and others she had hired, [mercenaries] who are presumed to have killed the other three. She doesn't really know.
Lytsar Report | 01/26/2009 8:07 pm
Hah, I don't think it's 'figure-out' able. Best way to get it is to jump in. [It's kinda like a club for pirates with a big cool headquarters on a cliff with some beaches, and shnazzy boats. Defend our own, and do whatever we please. That help?
Lytsar Report | 01/26/2009 7:57 pm
Ah, so you intend to become a PA member?
Lytsar Report | 01/25/2009 5:40 pm
No, I am not involved in any other piratey roleplays. n_n Actually, I'm not in any other roleplays, other than the ones connected to the Pirate Alliance. Are you a Pirate Alliance member I just haven't seen around before? Or are you Arisen? GM?
Captain Jessie Hawk Report | 01/24/2009 8:52 am
Captain Jessie Hawk
Not yet, dad's coming today to talk to us then once its all done I'll be posting again


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"The chest? Word has it only three men know what's inside o' that cursèd box. The Cap'n, that infectious b*****d of a man Ozanne, and the Redeemer 'imself."

nana del mar

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