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Registered: 05/09/2008

Gender: Female

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Hey there, call me Immy.
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Here's a few things about me:::
--I live in Britain
--I'm only 15
--I have light brown hair and grey eyes
--I'm secretly a ninja

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The song in my head at the mo:: This Afternoon--Nickelback

Ta ra now ;D

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XxmimexX Report | 09/29/2011 5:05 am
heyy immy
hows it goin
Azurma Report | 07/21/2011 12:35 pm
hello c: I haven't talked to you in a while! how are you?
-KoTARoU-KoTA- Report | 07/13/2011 9:56 am
i would like to hear from you sometime soon =]
ForIorn Report | 05/01/2011 12:30 pm
Music of Insanity Report | 04/18/2011 9:55 am
Music of Insanity
It's SPRING BREAK!!! biggrin I gots the whole week off!
But it kinda sucks because for once I'm not super busy, but all my friends are... stare
The weather has been superwierd lately. The other day, there was a severe weather warning (like tornados and such), but all it did was rain a little overnight. It was all sunny when I got up. rolleyes Then it just randomly started POURING an hour later, and then it was sunny and raining at the same time, and then it was cloudy again, then sunny... then it stopped. And it kept doing that for the rest of the day. It was really annoying...
So how are you? Doing anything for Easter?
heart domokun
Azurma Report | 01/23/2011 3:00 am
ello :3
i'm good too ^^
just doing lots of art hw
Music of Insanity Report | 01/20/2011 4:13 pm
Music of Insanity
I had MY last exam today!
Chemistry. It was not fun. I started freaking out because I couldn't remember anything, and then later on I spaced out for about 20 minutes. (Seeing as we had 4 hours to take the test, that wasn't really a problem.) But I figured most of it out and did a bunch of extra credit, so I'm pretty sure I at least passed...
domokun < Latin was the same way...)
Domo, don't tell people about that! I don't want to think about it! stare
domokun < Oops.)
Now I have a three-day weekend to recover from all the exam-induced trauma, though, so that's good. 3nodding
Our snow was around then, too. It actually started at about 11pm on Christmas. (I remember b/c it's the first time in my life I've had snow actually on Christmas!) Then it snowed again last week, and we missed three days of school, which messed up the exam schedule. confused
And I finally got a Facebook! I got tired of everyone telling me to get one, so I went ahead and made one just to shut them up.
Then I got somewhat addicted to it. sweatdrop
Azurma Report | 01/19/2011 11:26 am
hello >w<
how are you?
Music of Insanity Report | 01/16/2011 1:48 pm
Music of Insanity
Ello Poppet!! blaugh Long time no see!
How are you?! How are things in England-Land?
I love your profile~
I have exams this week in school. D: Boringness. I got my driver's permit! Haven't been driving much, though. It snowed last week! We had Monday, Tuesday, AND Wednesday of, and a 2-hour delay on Thursday! And there was about a centimeter of ice on top of the snow. It's been really cold, so there's still some snow and a lot of ice left.
So how about you? What have you been up to? mrgreen
domokun heart domokun heart domokun
xXRaiinbow_SharpiieXx Report | 11/29/2010 6:33 pm
Oh my goshh biggrin It's been FOREVERRRR xD
Message me some time? :3

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|Stuff I want|

|Owl City-Super Honeymoon|

Music of Insanity


ello poppet