Aydre Silverwing

Aydre Silverwing's avatar

Last Login: 04/06/2011 2:11 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/06/1986


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I'm Aydre Silverwing.

Let me tell you about me:
-I am 23 years old.
-I live in CT.
-I go to Community College full time, but I am hoping to transfer to a four year university, and am planning on majoring in Social Work.
-I enjoy reading.
-I enjoy playing World of Warcraft
-I adore Vampires of all kinds.
-I live with my father, but hopefully not for much longer. I love the man, but I would rather have a bit more privacy.
-I love to roleplay.
-Movies and Music are fun, and important to me.
-I do not like the concept of organized religion, and follow no set religion, though I was raised as a Unitarian Universalist.
-Movies I Enjoy: The Matrix, Interview with the Vampire, The Godfather, The Lord of the Rings, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Lost Boys, The Breakfast Club, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Labyrinth, The Dark Crystal, Star Wars, etc.
-Books I enjoy: Kushiel's Legacy Anything written by Anne Rice, The House of Night series, Blue Bloods, Jane Eyre, Dracula, The Tao of Pooh, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Color Purple, The Lord of the Rings, The Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series, Wuthering Heights, etc.
-Anime/Manga I Enjoy: Godchild Fushigi Yuugi, GTO, Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D, Blood the Last Vampire, Death Note, Fruits Basket, Godchild, Angel Sanctuary, etc.
-Music I Enjoy: Abney Park, Apocalyptica, Solas, System of a Down, Linkin Park, Rhianna, Paramore, The Killers, Bond, Rasputina, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Fallout Boy, MCR, Jack Off Jil, The Beatles etc.


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Onyx Mistress Report | 10/31/2009 2:34 am
Heyyy ...
Im BOO ...
Can you follow me
if you are BOO too ?
I will follow you as well !


Thanx =)
Thy Reaper Report | 10/09/2009 1:10 pm
Watch the teeth! DX

WhatCHA been up to, Mama?
Got anything interesting going on in thee interwebz?
Thy Reaper Report | 10/08/2009 8:23 pm
~Sharp lefts into a starsucks~
One on every street corner in Chicago! :'D
Couldn't spit and miss it.
Thy Reaper Report | 10/08/2009 8:00 pm
Aww... now Thy no longer can see...
You'll have to be his eyes!
~Driving, swerves in crazy directions~
Which way now?
Thy Reaper Report | 10/08/2009 6:25 pm
My eyes!! D';
Why you gnaw them!?
Thy Reaper Report | 10/08/2009 4:08 pm
Thank yew. ;'3
Thy Reaper Report | 10/07/2009 9:33 pm
Thy has kind of lost his writing mojo! D";
It's a sad thing.
Thy Reaper Report | 10/07/2009 8:21 pm
English at the second.
But I would rather go into journalism.
Thy Reaper Report | 10/07/2009 1:02 pm
Those do sound like a lot of fun.
Are yours normal courses?
Because one of mine is... like... fast track. DX
Thy Reaper Report | 10/06/2009 8:22 pm
That is indeed something to be missed.

Uhh... Thy is taking... Reading 110, Math060 and Composition 1.
He dropped psych because it was online.


With Order We Exist
With Chaos We Evolve


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