
Lileeh here-
So since you're reading this you're probably gonna want to know SOMETHING about me so I'll just answer some yes or no questions so you can get the gist of it:
1. What is you favorite phase of the moon?
Me: Well that depends, is the moon in fact made of cheez or not?

2. Two is a horrible number.
Me: Uh, that's not a question...

3. Do you like ur mom or dad better?
Me: Well if u answer the moon question I could answer this one.

4. Who's ur fav bffl?
Me: Didn't you hear the first time. I MUST KNOW IF THE MOON IS MADE OF CHEEZ OR NOT!

5. This just in, the moon is indeed made of cheez? Your reaction??
Me: I told you so.

6. You current boyfrend just broke up with u by posting it all over you Facebook wall. What r u going to do now?

7. Do you believe you have magical powers??
Me: *cover microphone* WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT!!

8. Do you know someone with webbed toes?
Me: Yes actually I do... I hate her...

9. If you could kill one person, who would it be?
Me: Does "everyone" count as one person?

10. Okay now that you know that the moon is made of cheez, whos ur fav bffl?
Me: idk my bff Jill.... *shifts eyes*

11. Wha-
Me: OK YOU CAUGHT ME! I dont actually know anyone named jill...

12. umm okay.... What is your real name?
Me: are you kidding me? did you even LOOK at my profile??

13. Whats ur moms name?

15. We skipped 14 cus we're too cool for it, so what would you change about ur past?
Me: I prefer to live in the moment.... aka I'd like to do my whole life over again.

16. What super power would you like to have?
Me: Easy. The ability to freeze time and start it again. Or invisibility...

17. what paranormal creature would you like to be?
Me: A llama... don't look at me like that! IT COUNTS!!

18. What makes you a "geek"?
Me: Too many things. I'm a huge ATLA fan, I love X men movies, uh, I really like biology, I love Glee. But I guess the appropiate term would "gleek" not "geek"... uh, yeah and alotta other stuff...

19: What is your bedtime?
Me: 8... okay I don't really have a bedtime, but I usually go to sleep at like 12:30ish... or later....

All right, so that's basically all you're ever going to need and not need to know about me. ^^


Viewing 12 of 24 friends


Isn't Easy to be Meh

life cud be easier but then it wudnt be as much fun!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/05/2009 12:04 pm


salty french fry

Report | 07/07/2009 12:15 pm

salty french fry

Its nice to know you remembered me.

Thanks for the friend request.
salty french fry

Report | 06/30/2009 11:50 am

salty french fry

Hi...do you remmeber a girl named iFlowers.?
You used to comment her a lot.
I'm her...so if you want to re-add me, you can!
PixeIated Paradox

Report | 05/10/2009 5:09 pm

PixeIated Paradox

i wanna be a doctor
PixeIated Paradox

Report | 05/10/2009 5:07 pm

PixeIated Paradox

im like the best one at science
PixeIated Paradox

Report | 05/10/2009 4:47 pm

PixeIated Paradox

that must suck
i like my S.S. teacher he's funny
PixeIated Paradox

Report | 05/05/2009 3:27 pm

PixeIated Paradox

=/ im not looking forward to my math final
cause my teacher said she was gonna make it as hard as she possibly can
PixeIated Paradox

Report | 04/26/2009 6:12 pm

PixeIated Paradox

im doing good
PixeIated Paradox

Report | 04/02/2009 3:42 pm

PixeIated Paradox

hey how r u

Report | 01/06/2009 3:54 pm


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"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb."
~Edward Cullen

"Edward's only human Bella."
~Angela Weber
I'll never be the same...