
Hello, you have reached the profile of Akari!

If you're here you proabally think I'm either a total weird-o or a really cool person, well after you read this you'll be leaning more towards the weird-o probally. Anyways here goes nothing!

For starters I'm home schooled, mean I have almost no life... I live somewhere in America's Midwest I really like anime and love japanese culture. One of my dreams is to visit Japan some time. I'm a budding cosplayer, and attended my frirst convention (Anime Central in Rosemont) in 2010. Right now I'm just doing Kingdo Hearts, but I hope to expand and do many more characters in my time.

Here in gaia I'm a huge role player, with my current being Hitman Reborn. (*Looks at profile* Would never guessed huh?) How ever I'll play just about anything as long as it's not master/slave, hentai, or anything else gross. I'm also not a bit Yaoi fan, but I don't mind it as long as it's mild.

Anyways I think that's all you need to know about me for now!

Oh yeah, click my lil' guys? they need some love~

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Viewing 12 of 45 friends


Lovely Musings

A journal with just some random things. Updates aren't regular, and won't always make sense.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Gintsuki Chi

Report | 11/01/2013 12:30 am

Gintsuki Chi

Congratz on beating Aqua's story~ =D

Report | 08/24/2013 7:45 am


ffff, I'll chat Aqua up later, I have to get ready for work. ; n ;
Memory Manipulator Namine

Report | 05/08/2012 10:32 am

Memory Manipulator Namine

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!! heart heart heart heart heart
Today you are Queen gaia_crown
Roloko vi Britannia

Report | 04/03/2011 4:03 pm

Roloko vi Britannia

Yeah it would be xD

So who all do you ship with Haru??
Roloko vi Britannia

Report | 04/03/2011 3:52 pm

Roloko vi Britannia

Oh I never had problems with my PMs unless its one I forgot to answer and notice it like a month or so later after the person that sent it to me either forgot about the message or quit gaia....xD
Roloko vi Britannia

Report | 04/03/2011 3:44 pm

Roloko vi Britannia

Yeah pretty much I'm used to doing that, but the decline button was where the accept button was and I got confused and hit trade or "decline" instead gonk
Roloko vi Britannia

Report | 04/03/2011 3:42 pm

Roloko vi Britannia

I made sure not to make the same mistake again and accepted through PM xD
Roloko vi Britannia

Report | 04/03/2011 3:33 pm

Roloko vi Britannia

Sorry could you send me another invite apparently the April Fools Day thing is still going on and when I received your invite through my Gaia I accidently chose the wrong option.
Roloko vi Britannia

Report | 04/03/2011 3:13 pm

Roloko vi Britannia

ok you have to send me an invite to the guild though there is no join guild option which is strange unless my internet is being a piece of s**t again.

Alrighty just say when you make your account and I will add you.
Roloko vi Britannia

Report | 04/03/2011 3:07 pm

Roloko vi Britannia

ok I'll be sending it.

ok I'll join, but I will most likely not join in any of the contests I could try though. If you do get MAL tell me and I'll add you there too.


[img:167503bf3a]http://i1332.photobucket.com/albums/w613/CluelessFanGirl/Graphics for Others/Children of Destiny/CoDBanner1_zps6bc530ec.jpg[/img:167503bf3a][/align:167503bf3a]