
x0Skyler0x's avatar

Birthday: 08/10

Stuff i gotz on

Crap I want


About MEH

Ello, Meh name is Chris (Christopher) James Skyler Sullivan, or James Skyler, OR Skyler Sullivan, I have a few names. But About me.

I like All music, but rap, fav is techno with no lyrics.
I like books, and comics that arnt cheesy, and some other stuffs.
I like to argue with people it makes me think. and understand new things :].
I'm Super Retro, like 1600s and 1700s 1800s and early 1900s.
I'm soo retro i will take Pong over Halo 3 or what ever. ( i hate halo any way razz )
I collect journals, and long coats.
I play alot of video games.
I need white noise in my background, and it has to be some thing good, no music, TV, movies, etc.
I like every one but "Gangsters" Mobsters are alright with me =D. I like their long coats.
Did i mention i LOVE LONG coats.
Also i'm a guy
I like retro hats.
I'm really weird, but i hide it, untell i meet some one just as weird as me, then we are weird together =D.
I like guns.
I'm a (super) pyro.
I like Spyro, the one for the Playstation 2...i think.
I Do have Red hair. *cough* i'm a ginger.
I dont fallow a style i choose what i want to wear.
I LOVE Pilot Goggles, and Pilot caps, THEY ARE TEH s**t.
I LOOOOVE Bomber Jackets.
I'm surprised you've gotten this far.
I live in Alaska, I can see Russia from my house, and Sara Palin lives right next to me, our town only has 10 people in it.
I love sonny.
I dont use the Xbox soo much as i do the PC, and PS3.
I love john Carpenter's work he is the best.
I'm 14 naow.
I like Trigun, and GunGrave, i grew up with them, and Fullmetal.
I like Robin Williams, he is funny as hell in Good Morning Vietnam, remember i'm retro i watch old movies.
I love Client Eastwood, and all of his westerns, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Fist Full of Money, A few dollars more. etc
I change my voice alot at school it makes me feel cool (not) people think it s weird but i am soo it works out fine.
My favorite colors are Red, grey, and black, with some white in there.
I like Russian History and culture, if you have some info or a web site pm me soo i can know.
Every one is my friend untell they offend me, or push me till i get pissed off.
I never get pissed off, or mad, just frusterated when i cant find some thing, I can handle annoying people untell they start to push or get in my face. Then i will tell them to F-off, or if they do push me to the limit i will punch them in the gut and make they go away.
I RARELY hurt people i dont do that, and i will NEVER hit a girl.
I have a strange skill of not puking on my self.
My past will make you laugh.
I will put some more in but i'm too lazy.
And about the alaska thing is fake, But i do Live in Alaska, the City is Fairbanks. IF you think i'm lying ask me a question about fairbanks and i will answer it.
and if you have read all this i will think about adding you as a friend.

PS. I'm Lazy.



View All Comments

vampire336 Report | 08/13/2009 1:31 am
NyaSonozaki Report | 05/30/2009 1:33 am
Hi im good ^_^.How about you? =P
len_kegami Report | 05/22/2009 7:54 pm
thax for buying sir
Cut_for_love Report | 06/18/2008 4:58 pm
lolz thanks xD
wisher56743 Report | 06/17/2008 9:27 pm
hey whats up!!!!!!!im 2nd to post Yay!lol.
dreams_above_heaven Report | 06/15/2008 11:08 am
YAHOOOOOOO!!!!!!lol 1st comment ok im done now lol


On October 30, 1961, the most powerful weapon ever constructed by mankind was detonated over the island of Novaya Zemlya in the Arctic Sea by the USSR. Yea thank god they used it over there.


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