All About Me, Me, Me!.. :D
Hi Friends! what's up?...
biggrin I seriously have nothing to say right now... but.... if you plan to scare me during Halloween, please do not.. Halloween happens to soooo not be my favorite holiday.. i only like it because it's fun.. you get to go trick or treat, and you get to dress up... i seriously get scared easily... like there's this one time this guy i don't know who scared me like 6 times in a row.... even though i knew that it was fake.... i hate halloween because first of all, it's scary... with people dressing up as skeltons and have blood... etc... (a huh i know it's fake...
sad ) second, whoa!!! creepy... *shudder*
third, .... that's all... lol..
Dream Avi
Hi Friends! PLEASE! Do help me and donate... unfortunately for me, i have to start all over again...
Total Value: 83,191 Gold
[Item Information] Item List:
Immaculate Bishop hahaha bought this!...
biggrin Spirit Falcon hahaha!!! luckily i still have this...
biggrin Ahhrr!! Decor Vest bought...
biggrin Aquatica o m g!!!!!!!!!!!! i finally got this!!!...
biggrin Blue Magic Coat uh..... bought...
biggrin Angelic Earmuffs wahh!!! i want this!!!!! ROAR!.. xD
Total Value: 235,143 Gold
[Item Information] Item List:
Cool Starter Glam Girl Purse still have
Blue Holographic Eyepiece Benny the Puppy Aquatica Fairy Wings Cloud hmm... maybe questing for this first...
biggrin Aquatica i finally have this!!!...
biggrin Angelic Earmuffs Wonderland
Total Value: 74,466 Gold
[Item Information] Item List:
Aquatica hip-hip-hooray!...
biggrin Spirit Falcon well... i still have this!!!...
biggrin Cool Starter Athletic Girl Shirt Cool Female Starter Preppy Dress Blue Torque Shades who-hoo! someone gave me this! guess who!?!?!..
biggrin Blue Torque Pants yippee! "someone" gave me this.. but who? do you know?
biggrin Blue SKA shoes Angelic Gloves
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and i was like "you have a myspace?!?"
and sarah has one ^-^
sorry! i'll be on later.
bye bye
its okay
i deleted all my contacts and i dont wanna add them all over again. razz
and i already changed my pw.