Viewing Pandilicious's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


Pandilicious's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Baton Rouge, LA

Birthday: 12/30/1983

Occupation: Software Engineer

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I'm a Software Engineer living in the Dallas area. Yes, I do have a job and life outside of Gaia, lol. I have a degree in Computer Science from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I grew up in a small town on the river halfway between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. I recently moved back to Louisiana, but Texas will always have a special place in my heart. heart

I love talking with random people and making new friends, but I generally don't accept random friend requests. If you want to add me as a friend, talk to me for a while and get to know me first. ^^ I like art, music, reading, anything I can be creative at, and spending time with friends and family

I'm an Omni Moderator. This means I work on account issues, hacking and scamming cases, special projects related to account security, site safety, and moderator training. I am no longer a Moderator. If I was assisting with your hack or scam case or if you just need help, please contact a member of the Mod team.

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These are a list of questions I get asked frequently, so please read through these before PMing me. Thanks!

How do I become a moderator?

There is an FAQ at the top of the Questions and Assistance forum. Make sure to read the entire FAQ because there are certain requirements you have to meet in order to become a moderator.

FAQ Link with Moderator Application

Someone asked for my password and claims I will be banned if I don't give it to them. What do I do?

Gaia staff will never ask you for your passwords. If someone is asking for your password, no matter who they claim to be, report them immediately. If you are asked for your password in a private message, click the report button at the top of the private message. If this happened in the forums, report the individual post that asks for the password. If the original poster is asking for your password, report the thread at the bottom of the page.

How can I tell if someone is really a moderator or admin?

Admins, developers/artists, moderators, and forum assistants all have colored names. For more detailed information on spotting Gaia staff, read this announcement.

Oh no! I've been hacked! What do I do?

If you have been hacked, please fill out a hacking report. PMing a moderator will not help you to get your things back, so make sure you report the hacking there. Also, moderators are very busy, so try to be patient once you fill out the report. PMing one ore multiple moderators will not make the process go any faster.

Oh no! I've been scammed! What do I do?

If you have been scammed, please fill out a scamming report. PMing a moderator will not help you to get your things back, so make sure you report the hacking there. Also, moderators are very busy, so try to be patient once you fill out the report. PMing one ore multiple moderators will not make the process go any faster.

Oh no! I've been banned! What do I do?

If you have been banned, you need to fill out a ticket. Moderators do not handle ban appeals, so asking a moderator to unban your account will only result in us telling you to file a ticket. If you would like more information on your ban, though, you can definitely PM me, and I will be happy to explain the circumstances surrounding the ban.

My ticket has not been looked at since I filed three weeks ago. What do I do?

We ask that you please be patient when filing tickets. The help center gets a lot of traffic, and sometimes tickets can take some time to resolve. Messaging a moderator about your ticket will not get it handled faster since moderators are assigned to report queues, not the ticket queues.

I heard mods have a super-secret item generator. Is this true?

If this was true, I wouldn't need my art shop! Moderators have to work for their gold just like everyone else.


View All Comments

Duwaa Report | 12/09/2024 9:32 pm
Thinking of your art contests and holiday cheer always during this time of year! I hope whatever road you've gone down is bringing you lots of joy, and that you have an amazing holiday season celebrating with your family or those you love. heart
bit390 Report | 05/19/2023 5:18 am
I will try to learn about css, just let me finish reviewing some concepts

Some similar happen to me
I just dial to my mom just to learn
how to make some tomato sauce
for the chicken flautas
Congratulations for your success with the roux. emotion_yatta
Grandmothers always have those
special things, in part I see them as a
source of knowledge, I would prefer to
wait for your grandmother's recipe.
In the time you were living in Texas,
how true is it that they love barbecues very much?

Thanks for tell me about the
Blue Runner brand canned gumbo,
I will try to search the can and see
if is free from Monosodium glutanamo(msg)
Could I know that he made you go home?
Let me search a bit, and see if I can find
the recipe for levanta muertos, from what
i know is a majority soup of sea food at
this point sound like is gluten free
bit390 Report | 05/10/2023 6:52 am
I had a similar experience, i know that feel when your pc dies crying

I just have this idea, first learn some of css, then i will apply to modify my profile.

I take an eye to see how the Gumbo is made, and looks like the challenge
is to made a good Roux.

Also you remmembers me a dish called Levanta Muertos (Raise dead),
had this name because the people think is very good to cure an hangover,
the dish have shrimp, octopus, fish fillet and crab. (Visual reference)
bit390 Report | 05/03/2023 12:53 am

I like the style and order that your profile has, did you code it?

What are the dishes in your area that you like the most?
bit390 Report | 05/01/2023 5:35 am
From what you remember of the subject of assembly language... was it easy or difficult for you?

Any recommendations for when you have to study complex topics?
bit390 Report | 04/27/2023 3:11 am

It's nice to hear that your hand is better
and that the scar will become just a memory.
I've been more or less. How complicated is it to learn assembly language?
bit390 Report | 04/08/2023 2:44 am
Hi Pandilicious;

I hope you have already recovered from your hand; How do you feel it?

Also Happy Easter !! emotion_yatta
Elda-Chan Report | 03/06/2023 6:22 am
Thank you! It's all Leaf's fault. She made me want to make sad gurl fairy avatars. rofl

I like the black/rainbow combo on yours!
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong Report | 02/14/2023 2:15 pm
Newzpop Reporta Tyro Bong
happy valentines dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
wishing u all the happy! gaia_zurg
bit390 Report | 01/05/2023 8:19 pm

Hi Pandilicious;

How is the recovery of your hand going?


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