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Dear you…

I’m wondering where you are and what you are doing now.
Are you at the other side of this blue sky?
There used to be something filling my empty heart.
Now that I’ve lost it, I can see it was you.

How you had always been the one that could cheer me up
How you had always given me so many smiles.
The price I must pay for what I’ve lost
Is much too big and impossible to bear
Though I reach out the furthest that I can
And try to bring back a life I would’ve have had
As if it were wind it slips right through my hand
And although I see it, I cannot reach.

Not knowing what to do and no one I can turn to
Slowly I feel how my heart starts to fade.
But all of your smiles that I have in my memories
Cheer me up like you did before.

And once again, I’ll go back to those days.
I know that this time I won’t make mistakes.
I promise that I’ll show nothing but smiles.
Standing high right by your side.

I’m wondering where you are and what you are doing now.
Are you at the other side of this blue sky?
Promise me that you’ll show me your timid smile.
I had never hoped for anything more…


….I’m wondering where you are and what you are doing now.
Are you at the other side of this blue sky?…

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Viewing 11 of 11 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Zero Ember

Report | 10/04/2010 3:23 pm

Zero Ember

Proxy...........proxy proxy proxy..........................Where is my proxy-chan?? *sniff*
Zero Ember

Report | 09/29/2010 11:19 am

Zero Ember

wow.... (sniff) I'm touched sai... That means a lot, especially coming from you. One day those thousands of miles will dissipate like grains of sand in the ocean.
and yes that was my birthday.
Zero Ember

Report | 12/24/2009 1:29 pm

Zero Ember

Merry Christmas! Sai.
Zero Ember

Report | 12/15/2009 3:48 am

Zero Ember


..-twitch-...wah? -gets b*****d..i trusted u...-faints for sec-

zero whatd u do?? -pokes sin-...s-sin?

-jerks up- ahh!!! that was good!!! haha!! -throws sake bottle on the table- whheee!!! the sake king has made his blessings on me once again! -stares at zero-


remember this?

Hello sin.
Hello yuki

:3 I was reading through my old comments and I found this..
Sai, Sin, Yuki, Bella, ....
Zero,Edward,Dante,(was there a fourth one??)

I's miss stuff like this...
Zero Ember

Report | 12/14/2009 11:20 pm

Zero Ember

Satisfaction for what i wonder....

=D I'm glad I can.
Zero Ember

Report | 12/14/2009 11:17 pm

Zero Ember

Satisfaction for what i wonder....

=D I'm glad I can.
Zero Ember

Report | 12/14/2009 10:34 pm

Zero Ember

So there are things your unhappy about.. which means that you're looking for something...
.... So can i help in anyway?
Zero Ember

Report | 12/14/2009 10:12 pm

Zero Ember


life? well right now at this point in time...alright
How about you dear? (lol)
Zero Ember

Report | 12/14/2009 9:45 pm

Zero Ember


So I don't know much about sushi...=-( Sorry...
besides that would be knowledge about sushi restaurants...

XP I "function" just fine thank you. Hrmp.
I will ^.^
Zero Ember

Report | 12/14/2009 1:21 am

Zero Ember

I could but I wouldn't lie to you.
What is genki sushi??????? 0.o

Sweet dreams Sai.
(even though i'm not even close to tired yet and it's almost 3:30am here xD)