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Moguta on 08/30/2021
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User ImageHello my name is Moogle(not putting my real name up sorry)but you can call me mog or snow been on gaia scents 2005 but that was my old acc (forgot pw and name)so this one says 2009 I think but I been on scents 2005 ya I am a old gaiaen (hope I am saying that right)so if you are on my profile say hi to me or put a random comment I am a vary nice moogle if I don't comment back fast that mean I am make that gold :nod: (and sorry I don't give out gold all the time so plz don't ask me I know it not easy to make gold in gaia I hope gaia goes back to how it use to be) and as for what I like you just look at my avi (it final fantasy) will that all I am going to put on here for now...



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Cirilla de Cintra Report | 02/08/2016 12:52 pm
Gosh I didn't notice your reply xDD
And well it worked. I was fast asleep soon biggrin
dark_starlover3 Report | 02/06/2016 6:36 pm
gonk Whhhyyyy?!

*claims this box as hers* VENGEANCE! twisted
Cirilla de Cintra Report | 02/06/2016 5:11 pm
I'll give it a try o.o
I don't want to sleep through the whole day so xD
Cirilla de Cintra Report | 02/06/2016 4:43 pm
I just changed my acc like entirely xD the name, the profile biggrin
I am active a lot in this year though. I used to be so inactive
It is almost 2 AM but somehow I don't feel like to go to bed yet
Cirilla de Cintra Report | 02/06/2016 3:50 pm
Thanks, I like yours too
Soooo adorable biggrin
So how is it going? ^^
Cirilla de Cintra Report | 02/06/2016 2:23 pm
Hey, thanks for the accept ^^
BlackRoseBleeding Report | 10/04/2015 1:27 pm
BlackRoseBleeding Report | 02/11/2015 3:38 pm
Kupo emotion_bigheart
BlackRoseBleeding Report | 02/08/2015 2:31 pm
Your Human!
Moguta Report | 11/13/2014 7:28 pm
Thankies and yes I know Im crying on the inside cause I've no idea how to even make that much


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Snow Moogle

Snow Moogle


Lvl 99

If you like moogles say KUPO! on the comments