Who's this weirdo?

herpderp edited this stuff. cause i'm bored.


Call me Dark / Darkie / Darky... Whatever, really. I don't really mind nicknames because different people call me different things.
I'm young.
I'm Asian. Specifically, Chinese. I speak Mandarin, but not very well, ahaha. I can swear in Hokkien, so, if you're curious, feel free to ask.
I'm from Singapore, and if you don't know where that is, I'm not surprised. Feel free to ask me all about it, haha. I could even say stuff in Singlish if you want, though it'd be a strange request.
I'm all sorts of eccentric. I usually talk to different people differently. It really depends on how you speak to me, or how much I like you. So, mm, yeap. If I'm somehow snippy towards you, you probably know why.
I prefer looking at guys than girls.
I'm not sure why, haha, so don't bother asking.

I love Panic! At the Disco. Come fan squeal with me and I will love you forever and ever and ever.
I ship Ryden to the end of time.
I dislike girls who call celebrities their "HUBBIES" or "BBYS" or "MINE". I think it's delusional and ridiculous. Stop embarrassing yourself because you, of all people, should know you will never have sex / be in a relationship / have any sort of relationship with them.

I flirt.

just kidding. i can't flirt for nuts.

Secretly a young man. Shh.
