
emogirl13431's avatar

Birthday: 08/01


Emo playlist

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Heza13431 Report | 06/02/2009 5:17 pm
figure out how to add me to yo friends listttt
XxbunnyxxxluverxX Report | 09/24/2008 4:48 pm
now you are emo LAMEO!!!

Sakura sakura Noyama mo sato mo Miwatasu kagiri Kasumi ka kumo ka Asahi ni niou Sakura sakura Hana zakari Sakura sakura Yayoi no sora wa Miwatasu kagiri Kasumi ka kumo ka Nioi zo izuru Izaya izaya Mini yu kan

Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, Blanketing the countryside, As far as you can see. Is it a mist, or clouds? Fragrant in the morning sun. Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, Flowers in full bloom. Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms, Across the Spring sky, As far as you can see. Is it a mist, or clouds? Fragrant in the air. Come now, come, Let’s look, at last!

桜 桜 野山も里も 見渡す限り 霞か雲か 朝日に匂ふ 桜 桜 花ざかり 桜 桜 弥生の空は 見渡す限り 霞か雲か 匂ひぞ 出づる いざや いざや 見に行かん