About Me :D
Avi Art Done For Me By Orspasm!c (:
Hey, I'm Ruth and yes, I'm Asain and Christian. My besties are Emily, Arlene, Caitlin, Jacqueline, and Kayla. My other cool Asain friends are Cally, Carmen, Sally, etc. You know who you are! I like Domo, Pon & Zi, and Dinosaurs cause they go rawr. I also like llamas and cows and oh yeah pigs too! My favorite colors are blue, green, black, and white but i usually like rainbows 'cause they're cool! My favorite Youtube Celebs are nigahiga and Fred. Go Fred! I'm artsy and my most favortie styles of drawing are anime and chibi. I love music! My other account is x-iirawr-panda-cooki3-x! Peace Out! (:

friend :]
not tell you wat meh other account is!!Yea u harrd meh!Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!U c that i sound reallE krazyy weelllllll...yea im craZ 2dah...hahaha partyzz ....ROFLMAO!!!>3<
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this site realy works i get 400k