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serena emilia

serena emilia's avatar

Last Login: 08/17/2009 7:07 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/15

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All the Junk I am wearing this very second

All the Stuff I Want But Am to Proud to Ask For...Unless It's my Birthday


About me...

If you're looking for someone to cry to, I will listen.
If you're looking for someone to wallow with you in pity, I won't.
If you want someone to share your load, I will.
If you want someone to carry your burden, I won't.
I will help you if you will help yourself.
Do not lie to me and I can be honest with you.


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A Book of Hope

I am very confused, but I try to do my best and just keep breathing.

Questions? Comments? Fits of outrage?

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Sharkie-Poo Report | 08/18/2009 4:52 am
Really??? Dude! Me too! I'll send you a message and a friend request! (no, derrr....XD)
Sharkie-Poo Report | 07/04/2009 8:45 am
I like that place, but I've only been there once in the mall. XD I get what you are saying. My parents will NEVER let me work during the school year and so yeah. This November I'm turning 14 so then I can learn how to drive and get a job. (Hopefully) It's going to rock! I'm just worried that I will not be able to find a job if I decide to get one. =(
Sharkie-Poo Report | 07/01/2009 12:35 pm
Yeah I bet!
Ooooh...not cool!!! XD
Well...I don't really work yet. But I'm thinking about volunteer work or something else that will actually get me money! XD LOL! Where do you work again?
Sharkie-Poo Report | 06/30/2009 10:02 am
Yay for you, not so much for him. Hopes he's okay!! I see why you love him...he seems perfect!! =) I am so happy for youz!!!
Yeah, I are sooo sooo right. I have to talk to her and then I'll know what to do for sure.
This is clear to say so I'm going to say it. WORK SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vacations don't! XD C: LOL
Sharkie-Poo Report | 06/29/2009 8:27 am
True...hopefully I can.
Wow, he is nice!! XD Steriods are evil! LOL! Everyone knows that..guess he doesn't see it 'cause it's you. XD
Thanks for what? (I don't think I helped much by not knowing anything. LOL!!)
Well, everyone is trying to help me out with Miranda. Like, Miranda a f***ing super star over here. People think I shouls get back together with her, but some people that like me don't think I should. So it's crazy! Other than that there's not too much going on.
Sharkie-Poo Report | 06/28/2009 11:40 am
Yeah I understand, I mean I do love her with all my heart. Lately she has been driving me crazy. (I can't stop thinking about her, and stuff) I mean I am not the type of person to be all like "oooh I love you" but I do love her and I can't really stand life without her. I don't know I have a lot to figure out, but as far as I am concerned, right now, I want to be with her. I just wish I had answers!!!
I am soooooo happy for you~! That's so great that you are happy as can be. I think all people good and bad deserve to be happy like that. I hope you guys stay happy!!! =)
Ah, don't worry I bet you and your family will get along great and that things will work out. They are your family! Why wouldn't they love you? Of course!! There is no reason why they shouldn't!! =) Best of luck to you!! Because I know how that is.
I have no idea about Oregon sorry! =(
Eh, I've been doing okay...
Sharkie-Poo Report | 06/26/2009 9:16 am
Ooooh sounds painful and ichy! I've never gotten poison ivy (knock on wood). Hope yours gets better!!
Yeah I made this horrible mistake and it's killing me. I wish I could make it up to her but I don't know how. We worked through last time and we actually got together for almost three months and my dumb-a** had to mess it up. SOOOOO...I'm pretty sad. But don't feel bad for me, I'll wokr through somehow. XP
That's great that you found someone else. Are you happy with him?? Hopefully you are, you deserve to be!! =)
Yeah, well right now I have a choice. I can get with someone else, but I'm not too sure because I don't think I like them in that special way. Miranda, I'm afraid, that maybe I messed it up to bad...idk.
When are you going to Oregon? Hoe you havez funz!!!! XP
Sharkie-Poo Report | 06/24/2009 8:45 am
Holy crap are you serious!!!??? Wow, I was never expecting you to join the army, but I support you no matter what. Guess what? I was born in Missouri to the place you're going to (shhhh, BIG secret)!! It is cool that you get to travel. I really am happy for you!! =)
Sorry that had to happen. Something like that happened to me and Miranda, but I was the one with the crap. It ended about a week or two ago, and we were engaged. =( Anyway, I do hope you get access to the computer sometime soon! I miss talking you a whole lot!! TTYL! =)
lik my banana Report | 05/24/2009 8:33 am
lik my banana
Sharkie-Poo Report | 05/21/2009 8:39 am
Hey everyone, I just wanted to take the time and tell you that I won’t be on much during summer. I need a break to clear my mind and stuff. I’ll come on sometimes but not much. If for some reason you want to talk to me, just email my hotmail. You are all great people and I might talk to you in August, but I’m not sure. Have a great summer. =)
Hawatari Ritsuka