Lynnaira The Awesome

Lynnaira's avatar

Birthday: 11/13


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"You're a lunatic with a madman's dream of a milk proof robot!"

What is this.

I'm Lynnaira. I used to be Graplegi. I like going on gaia, i guess. It's somewhat of a thing to do when I'm bored. Meaning all the time. Seriously, lately I've been on most of the day.

Hey, guess what. I have an art shop.

Lynnairas Tiny Chibies~

Come buy something. Seriously. I need something to do.

I don't like work. Why did I even open an art shop? Art shops are work. I am such a hypocrite. Oh well, I want gold. So it's kind of worth it.

I....don't even know what to put here.

Here's my deviant art...?


I like stalking the writers forums. Posting scares me. A lot.

What should I put here.....

oh well.

Good enough.

Bye, I guess.