
Almost_Proud's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/18/1987


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Who am I? I don't know if I know.

Alone but not alone
Scared but not scared
Beautiful but ugly
Desired but looked over
Intelligent yet ignorant
Lusting but distant

I'm not female, I'm male and I'm a homosexual who happens to have depression. Please don't ask "What are you depressed about?" because it's irritating. I am Nubian and I am proud to be Nubian. I can't say that I am proud to be gay because I just don't understand it and I can't be proud of something that I don't understand.
I don't have a boy friend; the closest thing that I've had to a boyfriend was a completely phone based relationship that lasted for about 8 months.

Did I mention that I'm not openly gay? I'm scared of being openly gay but I have respect for those that are. Those people are my heroes...

The things I like...

I love love love guys. The male form is potentially the most beautiful thing on this earth to me. I like the female form too, but not in the same way...not at all in the same way.
I like checking out hot guys and I have to admit I'm perverted enough to catch a peak at a guys stuff when he's not looking...or even if he is looking lol. If there's a guy wearing sweat pants on a windy day...I'm probably watching from a near by window lol
I like to look at the sky and I like to write and create. I like guys(had to say that again lol).
I like learning black history. So many black people don't and even go as far as trying to distance themselves from it, but I'm proud of it and I can only hope that I can become part of it.


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SpontaniousSteve Report | 12/17/2009 2:24 pm
Quatschi Watschi Report | 12/01/2009 3:34 am
Quatschi Watschi
I like what you said in your about me and what you like here on your profile.
Deep stuff.
SpontaniousSteve Report | 04/17/2009 2:32 pm
i am proud that i did that
SpontaniousSteve Report | 04/17/2009 1:29 pm
ok, this is the email I sent him:

Dear Mr.Diaz,

My name is Steven Susaña, and I am 15 years old. I grew up in the Bronx. I do not support your ideas on gay marriage and so does many other people in the Bronx. I think your ideas are very ignorant and uneducated. Most of the AIDS disease is carried by heterosexuals and it is not caused because someone is homosexual, it is caused by unprotected sex and using drugs which anyone can do, including you. As you said, "There will be more homosexuals". There will be more OPEN homosexuals. The Bronx is very uneducated and immature about sexual orientation. People cannot "convert" to another sexuality. If you are heterosexual, you will always be heterosexual. If you are homosexual, you will always be homosexual. Same-sex marriage will not affect you, or any other heterosexual person. The only way it'll affect them is if they know someone who is homosexual that they care about. For a senator, I would expect that you did learn that church and government NEVER mix well. They are like oil and water. When they are mix, corruption and cruelty comes from it. "I believe that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) families deserve the 1,324 rights and responsibilities that come with marriage in New York State. Loving same-sex couples and their children should not be treated like second-class citizens by being denied access to the protections of marriage. " I just hope you educate yourself before you go against a moral and civic issue. Homophobia is like Racism. I think as a Latino you would never want to discriminate against someone for who they are. Racism was the irrational hate against an ethnic group. Homophobia is the irrational hate for homosexuals.

I wanted to send you this email, to tell you, that I may be young but I know when people should deserve basic rights.

Steven Susaña
A Supporter of Same-Sex Marriage
SpontaniousSteve Report | 04/17/2009 12:36 pm
SpontaniousSteve Report | 04/17/2009 12:17 pm
idc, they are too whiny and annoying for me. LOOK AT THIS!! THIS ******** PISSES ME OFF!!! I live in the Bronx:
SpontaniousSteve Report | 04/17/2009 12:08 pm
I don't know
SpontaniousSteve Report | 04/16/2009 2:47 pm
They kicked me out!
Chaobot2 Report | 01/26/2009 7:33 pm
i think hes going to be a fine president... not the best we have had, but good ^_^
Chaobot2 Report | 01/26/2009 7:25 pm
what are your veiws on the the new president?

Almost There

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