
My name is Anax Ardmore.

You may alternately address me as Andy, Ard, Anax, or Ardy.

I have been around the sun a grand total of fifteen times.

If you would like to know more, feel free to contact me.

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Report | 06/18/2009 5:08 pm


Hello~ o wo;

Report | 04/24/2009 12:11 am


I heart random comments.
Random commenting back!

Report | 04/22/2009 11:03 pm


Exactly 3nodding
It also just helps calm my mind.

Lol, I just suck at science.
English and history are easy; reading comprehension has always been my strong suit,
but science always gets me.
I can't remember these random facts!

I should probably do something like that.
Whenever I can't sleep I end up staring at the ceiling thinking about how much I should be sleeping.
It's not the least bit productive xP

If only I could have a box of time.
I think that would solve all my problems lol

Report | 04/22/2009 9:33 pm


Nice avatar and profile. User Image

Report | 04/22/2009 9:32 pm


Yeah, don't worry, you're not the only geek around here xD
I enjoy standardized testing too lol
For some strange reason it relaxes me.

I've always wondered whether or not I am an insomniac.
Unfortunately, even if I was, my dad would never let me take medicine of any kind to combat it.
But as long as I get time to meditate I can fall asleep okay.
The problem is that, lately, I haven't even had time for that D:

Report | 04/22/2009 8:15 pm


Ooof that sounds tough sweatdrop
Well, we've had star testing everyday this week.
It's not so bad, I get an extra 2 hours of sleep since I finish early lol
And there isn't any hw because of testing.
Overall, I like it better : ]

But I haven't been getting any sleep lately and I'm pretty much about to collapse xP

Report | 04/22/2009 4:57 pm


Heyy how've you been?

Report | 04/19/2009 9:22 pm


I completely agree 3nodding
We definately need a better system,
but I completely sympathize with those who try to think of a new one.
It's pretty much impossible to think of something that works xP

if you were that quick you'd be a god xD

I love talking to you : D

However, I'm off to homework and to get ready for bed xP
But I'll be sure to talk to you tomorrow!

Report | 04/19/2009 8:46 pm


Yeah, I go to a regular public school and I love it a lot.
Unfortunately, I can also understand why some people would not like it.
Although I like learning, I think the public school system is flawed in many ways.
My friend and I have actually spent a lot of time pondering and discussing a better education system.

That sounds fabulous whee
Take as much time as you need!


Report | 04/19/2009 8:19 pm


=0 That's an amazing idea!
I actually really enjoy school,
but I know I'm part of the minority that do.
People need things to make them more motivated to learn 3nodding
It reminds me of this video arcade downtown,
that give out free games if you bring in a good report card : ]

You're incredible <3
Thank you so much : ]
And whatever you feel like drawing 3nodding
I'm not picky, all art is nice.


I sell all game items. Cans, paper, fish, tokens, tickets.

Ask me if you are interested in purchasing anything.