The names Jordan, I'm the kind of girl that knows all the words to songs nobody likes. The only person that will make a big deal out of somthing so small, I tell the truth and I expect to get that back, I dont break my promises but I hardly make them. When I say I love you I'm dead serious. I prefer proper grammer. If you type like a retard you obviously need to go back to school because they didn't teach you well enough.
I do not eat animals because unlike you people I don't wanna hurt animals because they taste good. It's somthing i choose not to do. I made that choice when I was six years old. Oh, and I belive in God. But I wont judge you if you don't mmkaay.
I don't like group hugs and I don't like the ocean. I'm a photographer at heart but I don't think im any good. I never stop thinking, I wish I could. Pes·si·mist thats what I am, I look at that glass not half-full or half-gone, I say it's empty, I learned that when you love some one a lot you get hurt more when it doesn't work out.
Label me and I'll label you. Be my friend and I'll be your's. I'm mostley PuertoRican so yes, I speak Spanish, doesn't mean I wanna talk to you in Spanish. The only talent I'm sure I have is I fall, twentyfourseven-- and I play the piano. The music I listen too is screamo,rap,techno,classical,alternative,deathcore, anything. I'm very picky when it comes to clothes. Neiman Marcus, Hollister, American Eagle and Victoria Secret is what I usually wear, my shoes are either Converse, Vans,Nike and Coach , high-tops preferably.
I love my dog's with a passion. Pitbulls are my life, that's the exact breed of dog I would be if I were one. I mean, if you dont have a pitbull you dont got shiit go ahead hate on them, but seriously, Discriminate against that dog breed in my face, I'll give you a reason to hate them. < 3 If you haven't figured it out, I am weird.I don't care for violence but I am not the nicest person to mess with. Skate park's my domain I go their everyday, the video url is a video of my friends.
Don't ask me if I like Twilight. Because I don't. Lastly, i don't appreciate it when you try to change me. I am who I am either you love me or you hate me, either way your thinking about me, if you must know more, Ask. ♥

The boy in the red he's my bestfrienn (: Fosho. Skating < 3

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He's the bestest. I love you Cody! besties from 3rd gradee < 3 Your my midget friend. Your cooler than puppies. o.o
rofl ;D

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