H E L L O It is a great pleasure you have dropped by my profile~
Relationship: Noobody needs to this.. (;
My Birthday: S I N G to me at July 13~ (Even though in gaia it says it's July 12...it is really 13...>.>)
Occupation: Student and dreamer...we all have some inner childness in us...Xp
F U C K I N G F A V O R I T E C O L O R S O F M I N E : lol that was long and unnecessary...hehehe 1: SLYTHERIN COLORS! <3 2: The color of the night sky when lit up with thousands of stars...midnight blue~ 3: Dazzling white~ 4: Velvet Darkness 5: Softly faded maroon
Music:I love music! It's my life so far as I am concerned...I love the 80's and 90's! Love that era! It was all about PAR-TAY~ (B U T the 50's were the G r E a T e s T~!!!) Those were the REAL kinds of music...(nothing against todays music!) I love Rock,operas,sad ballads,Metal,alternative,screamo,and TeChNo~!! But I'm also open to new genres and songs~ Soo if you want me to listen to a song that you like...Don't hesitate! Always want to broaden my taste of music~ =3
I very much D I S L I K E rap (Eminem is an exception...a H a W t I E~)...(only "live your life" I really truly understand and "Beautiful" by Eminem) Nothing against people who love rap and makes rap!!!Its just that (in my perspective) that I think rap is too much 'bout money and sex and all kinds of crap...But I know A L O T of rap songs because I'm a music-freak soo technically I do know but yet I don't know...O.o...
My hobbies are: 1: Listening to music 2: sleeping...=3 3: eating chocolates.. <3 4: watching crazy things in YouTube >.< 5: eating all kinds of pie around my neighborhood.... L M F A O 6: Skateboarding XD 7: facebook(: 8: Readinn ppl's stories 9: Fixing...worrying...making my hair! (I'm a girl...what do you expect!) ^^ 10: Drooling over emo dudes (come one...you gotta admit! Their hawt!) Axl Rose (guns n roses) and Matt Tuck (Bullet for my valentine) and I don't know...but Eminem (I used to hate his face but now.. O M F G total H a W t I e~ lolz) love his nickname Rabbit~ and the lead singer in Three Doors Down (a.k.a Brad ) I like his voice: It is soo perfect live~ and Adam Gontier from Three Days Grace...O M F G HaWtIe...O.o hahahahaha 11: reading (very much a bookworm:AND PROUD!) animes (wuv them~) and other books (fiction mostly...about romance ((come on! I'm a girl!)) )
Oh and I post stories or poetries in writing arenas soo please support me~ Greatly appreciated if you do~ =3
I am very random and hyper and very caring 'bout people's feelings...So if you need someone to talk to,please talk to me!
Thank you soo much for reading and C O M M E N T anything else that you want to know about me!
Jumping on my bed (with my laptop) Breaking my bed in half, and thus my computer taking its last fall -_________________- but dont worry, i wouldnt blame you wink (I'll laugh too if your laptop ever breaks) xD and yuss, im the one looking sideways wink with the blueish hat. smile
Come away,oh human child! To the waters and wild, With a faerie,hand in hand, For the world is more weeping ...........Than you can understand........
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