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The one and only

Lady Sexy Vamp's avatar

Last Login: 06/13/2013 5:49 pm

Gender: Female

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Vamp's journal

This journal is for everyone who wants to know what i think, feel, or anything else. if you want me to talk about something in my journals then senld me a pm and give a suggestion!


My Toons

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Hello! Hello! WELCOME! to my Wonderland! You will find i am quite an amusing person. I am very Random and tend to not care what people think. Sometimes words slip out before i can think about them...whoopsie!

My personality is a very wierd and extreme one. Im kind of a mix between Alice in Wonderland, Resident Evil 5 (the game, and Fallout3. Wierd? I told you so!

I love to dance and an avid reader and people say im an amazing writer. (pish posh)

Here are some of MY rules:

♥ Im THE b***h ♥

♥ The rule above is only when i want it to be ♥

♥ Be nice to me...and i wont shoot you with my Kneecapper ♥

♥ If im hiding and have a rifle...BOOM! your me ♥

♥ I don't really make rules..just say random s**t ♥

♥ I am a total role playing addict...but not on gaia ♥

♥ when i love some one...i give them my heart ♥

♥ When i hate, i loathe with a passion ♥

♥ Im one bad a** little girl..piss me off, see what happens ^.^ ♥

♥ Im a sports whore but you wouldnt know it ♥

♥ Im also very girlie ♥

♥ tell me im not literate, ill take your words and shove them down your thoat ♥

♥ The above one basically means i will proove you wrong...very wrong ♥

Post It Notes!

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X x __ compos M E N T i S Report | 03/16/2010 6:26 am
Cool by me. =]
iFashion Report | 03/15/2010 7:52 pm
-nod nod- XD
iFashion Report | 03/15/2010 7:50 pm
I've had some time actually.
But I believe I've joined too many again. D;
Most haven't answered my requests to join yet! LOL
iFashion Report | 03/15/2010 7:44 pm
I've been cool!
Awww, thanks.
I've been too freaked to bother anyone.
'Cuz everyones been uber busy!
Glad to hear you're well. ='3
iFashion Report | 03/15/2010 7:30 pm
OMG long time no talk!
How've you been?!
Kataigida Report | 03/13/2010 11:01 pm
Send me an IM then...cause it isn't showing you on the IM screen...
Kataigida Report | 03/13/2010 10:48 pm
It only lets you send one message every minute normally...
bigsis-littlesis Report | 08/21/2009 2:10 am
Hey this is my twin and I'm sorry to say that she can't be on till later because of complications....
Adorkable Monster Report | 08/05/2009 1:37 pm
Thank you ever so much for being a part of the Tales of the Raven guild. We hope to see lots and lots of you around, So make sure to grace us with your presence as often as you'll like, We focus on our community first because we believe that building ties as a group is important. Beyond that we have a couple new role plays that you might be interested and out own huge gallery of pictures that can be used for any character you create, whether maleand female anime or real live people. That isn't all there is, Just stop by and explore and I'm sure you'll quickly find your niche. Come on! Don't be shy.

Adorkable Monster Report | 07/23/2009 2:59 pm
Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for informing me.