92% of teens would be dead if Hollister said it was uncool to breathe. Put this in your signature if you're the 8% who would be laughing!
Registered: 11/10/2008
Birthday: 05/08
92% of teens would be dead if Hollister said it was uncool to breathe. Put this in your signature if you're the 8% who would be laughing!
I invited him
I am his Clan Leader
I am his clan leader
I am his clan leader
That is not dead, which can eternal lie. Yet with stranger Aeons, even Death may die.
Gaming unties this world in ways that not even depression can manage
^My shredded personality^
There are many deaths that one can die of. I wonder which one will be yours?
For everyone that succeeds one must fail. It is the law of the universe.
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put this on 3 peoples comments then press F6 and you will recieve 1,000,000 trust me it really works
I started coming on more round Christmas time. Christmas Break and all that. Shame it's over. I love the holidays.
how r u? ^^