About Meh


I Am Weird Dont Judge meh.
I'm Gay.
I sometimes dont reply to messages.
I dont always spell out my words.
Chances are I probably wont like u.
:] But It depends.If your the corny person who likes
to talk about bananas
and scream cookies and say "lol im random."
Gtfo >:]
I'm single. v.v
Im for now and ever me. And no matter what
you do or say to try to break me Im still going to
stay the same.
<3 Girls <3 Color Blue
<3 Animals <3 7up <3 Music
<3 Friends. <3 Scary Movies <3 Walker The Texas Ranger (xD Just the show O.e) <3 Bears o.o
[x] Haters [x] Noobs
[x] Posers [x] Liars [x] Beggars [x] Dumb asses -.-x Hinata_12447; The skank who cheated on me.

You better love me... if not... pish pish on you, bish...