
Staygold-forever's avatar

Birthday: 01/28


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Sakura Kiss

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Hello, I'm Staygold-forever. I'm a rather odd/weird person and I am quite proud of it. I really like anime and manga and I like to rp. As you can see from the random captions around my profile I like to do a bit of poetry and I like to write stories as well. And yes I did make those captions up, each took me about a minute to think up. I accept all friend requests. ^.^


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Xxx_gEn3RaLbAiRd_xxX Report | 02/28/2009 2:52 pm
oh haaiiiiiiiiii gold :9
Xxx_gEn3RaLbAiRd_xxX Report | 01/28/2009 6:36 pm
why are you in forum so much so thats why you have no friends guess what im your only friend
Xxx_gEn3RaLbAiRd_xxX Report | 01/25/2009 2:10 pm
=) hi
Xxx_gEn3RaLbAiRd_xxX Report | 01/24/2009 11:20 am
Xxx_gEn3RaLbAiRd_xxX Report | 01/23/2009 9:01 pm
thanaks sis
Xxx_gEn3RaLbAiRd_xxX Report | 01/23/2009 8:34 pm
hey ur hot ^_^


Thank you all to all those who donated and helped me get my dream avy, truly I am grateful.


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When I speak to you, are you really listening? Or is my voice just like the wind or the water, and rushes you by. While you never stop to listen.

If I were to tell you goodbye, would you really beleive me? Or would you say don't leave me? Or would you even care when I was gone?

To say that your deepest desire is for happiness to all those around you, what would happen if you were the miserable one in the first place and you were simply blinded.

To those who take the time to read each of these, do you really understand what I am saying. Or am I nothing more but a voice that is there but can't be heard?

To cry, to love, to hate, to desire, to betray, these are all part of being a human. But what if you don't even relise these are all true about you. Will you stay lost?

Without light there can be no darkness, with out the dark there can be no light. Heaven and hell, are both places where one is found. And here on Earth is were they both reside.

When we die it is said that we are reborn, to live once more as if to get a second chance. But what will happen if you die before you even get a chance to live.

What is death truly? Is it really the passing from this world to the next or simply a feeling of a lonelyness and the feeling of being lost, if thats the case are you dead as well. Just like the empty shell of a courpse, you may as well be dead for the feeling of being alive without the one you love is death in itself.

There comes a time in everyones life when we must fight. We fight, we fall, we die, and we cry, but this must be done. In order to achieve what we desire we must fight till the end. Will you die or will you survive? A simply question with a simple answer, we must all live in order to die.